Score review results! Where to check it?

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  • #1566894

    Well I asked for a score review for audit which I took it in Q1 and NASBA’s website says this process takes six weeks after 4/25 so the results should be by this week but I’m not sure where to check it? I emailed NASBA twice and receive no response. Any ideas where to check it and when-what day exactly-???

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  • #1566937

    you will get an email with the subject “Score Notification Service.” It came faster than the 6 weeks for me. Don't get your hopes up though because your score is not going to change.


    Thank you!


    Np. It is funny because me and you are in the same situation, one lousy point away from being done with this test. Mine only took 4 days I just doubled checked my email. I submitted the review on March 27th and then by March 31st I got the email showing that they kept my original score. Yours might take longer since they have to recheck the SIMS.


    Wow that quick they responded to you! Huh!
    I asked for a review on March 26th and I understood from the rules that I'll not receive my results until first week of June but now we are in the second week (the 7th week from 4/25) and no response up to date to either my results or my inquiries emails to them.
    I'm trying to see this as good news to be calm for not receiving the score until now.


    If they email the results did you happen to check your junk/spam email folders? I've known people waiting for emails for whatever reason that were sitting in their spam folder for weeks 🙂

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager



    I have checked everything and doing everyday since last week. I checked state board's website, NASBA's store website, and my email. I also emailed them three times but no response, so I'm only hoping that this's good news!


    Keep us posted if you score changes!


    I have received it today and unfortunately no change from the original score. Now definitely waiting for August 17th


    NASBA doth appreciate y'or donation to thy coffers nobleman.

    I do believe they have kept their perfect batting average of 1.000 of never changing a score based on a review challenge.

    That money would have been better spent on lotto tickets and beer.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016

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