Score Report- FAR - Page 2

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  • #190802

    I know I passed and I should be happy, but this has got to be the oddest score report i have ever received:

    only scored an 81…guess that weaker section was heavily weighted?

    These Score reports are so off.

    BEC - PASS
    REG - PASS
    FAR - PASS

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  • #634732

    It's up to a third of the total exam.

    I'd say that's heavily weighted.


    Failed FAR twice … comparable and stronger on SIMS.. but weaker in the majority of the mult choice sections… yet I spend majority of my time doing Becker multiple choice questions while studying… any ideas how I should proceed?


    @bbelt6317 What materials did you use to study for SIMS, to get comparable and stronger on the report? I failed FAR twice now, and while I improved on multiple choice (by drilling NINJA MCQ), I show no improvement on SIMS.

    P.S. I also found out yesterday that I failed REG, my guess most likely because of weak performance on SIMS.

    FAR 65, 70, 78
    REG 64, 76
    BEC 70, 80
    AUD 81

    Ethics 96

    Péter un plomb


    @omallyoy, I just printed out the Becker Sims examples and would write out the answers and steps onto paper.


    @omalloy: Knowing the concepts is the key to good performance on sims. I did maybe a dozen total sims during my FAR studies and scored a “stronger.” When I first flicked through them, I was dreading them because they were all long and involved. As I went through them, however, I found I understood the concepts and the JEs and what not just flowed from there.

    MD Candidate: 10/1/14

    FAR - 87 (11/23/14)
    REG - 87 (1/30/15)
    BEC - 89 (4/19/15)
    AUD - 98 (5/30/15)

    Ethics - 100

    Experience - In Progress!


    @juuustin what study material did you use to practice multiple choice questions?


    bbelt: I used Becker and went through all MCQs except for some of the optionals for F1-F10. After I completed all of the chapters, I fired up NINJA MCQ and did about 24 hours worth of MCQ on that platform. My only return to Becker after starting NINJA was to do the two practice exams.

    In total, I answered about 3500 MCQ over 7 weeks.

    MD Candidate: 10/1/14

    FAR - 87 (11/23/14)
    REG - 87 (1/30/15)
    BEC - 89 (4/19/15)
    AUD - 98 (5/30/15)

    Ethics - 100

    Experience - In Progress!

    Hari Seldon

    Ohio candidates do not get a score report if they pass, and on one hand I am glad I never saw one due to this, but on the other it would have been interesting to see if there was certain areas I was better on than others.

    FAR - 90
    REG - 90
    BEC - 91
    AUD - 99


    @hari : your scores are incredible!!! Any specific tips? what materials did u use?

    FAR- TBD
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76
    AUD- TBD

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