Retake REG or schedule FAR?

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  • #186251

    I took about a 4 year break from the exam and I am now getting back into the swing of things. Recently took REG and failed with a 73. Initially my plan was to take REG then FAR regardless of scores and retake which ever necessary after both have been completed. After getting my score, which I thought that I had totally bomb by the way, I was pleasantly surprised at how close I was to passing and think I could easily bump my score by 5 or more points to pass the next time I take it.

    So my question is this…should I reschedule another REG exam while it is still fresh and wait to pass before moving on to the next or should I stick to the original plan and retake after I completed both REG and FAR? What has been your experience and/or what works best in your opinion?

    REG - 73, 76 (7/29/14)
    FAR - 79 (10/23/14)
    AUD - 94 (2/28/15)
    BEC - 73, Aug 2015

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  • #569607

    I would move onto FAR. A 73 seems close but it means you have weak areas and you will still need to ready/review your strong areas. So in a way, you will need to redo all the homework, please redo ALL the homework (I recommend purchasing a new test bank, since often you actually memorize the answers, which will doom you to fail again). If i failed, i would have purchased a new test bank (they don't cost much). Plus, I think FAR is a harder exam, let the clock start when you pass FAR. I did FAR first and helped me in EVERY section. After i passed FAR, i knew the rest of the exam was going to be so much easier and it was.

    Licensed WA CPA 2/2015
    Government Auditor Since 2007


    While I agree w/ Java in that when you have a score for 73 you definitely have lots of holes in your knowledge for CPA exam. I disagree that you should move on to REG. Here is what I did.. with the score of 68. I got the Yeager Cram course and just spend 3 weeks on test preperation. The general concensus on the Cram is that it would get you about 10 points that you otherwise wouldn't have. Watch the Cram video course and hit the Wiley Test bank and do every question in the test bank. You will pass!! That's what others have told me and I followed the instruction to the tee… and Guess what ??!! 🙂

    REG 78 12/2013 YEAGER CPA REVIEW and Yaeger REG Cram Course
    FARE 77 05/2014 YEAGER CPA REVIEW and Yaeger FARE Cram Course
    AUD 81 11/30/2014 Yeager AUD Cram Course; 65 08/2014 YAEGER CPA REVIEW
    BEC 79 6/4/2015 YEAGER CPA REVIEW and Yaegar BEC Cram. Yaegar BEC audio 74 03/02/2015

    DONE and DONE!!


    YokoBee, I like that you use “FARE” instead of “FAR”, reminds me of YEAGER. FAR just sounds to FAR away.

    Licensed WA CPA 2/2015
    Government Auditor Since 2007

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