Reply if you're waiting for your LAST score! - Page 2

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  • #156581

    This is madness. I’ve never been more anxious waiting for a score before. I’m actually losing it. Yesterday, I got on the completely wrong freeway going home from work and didn’t realize it until half way to the beach (and I don’t live by the beach). LOL

    So, I need my sanity back please. I’m waiting on BEC and I’m in CA, so at least I don’t have to wait THAT much longer than I absolutely have to, but it’s still excrutiating.

    So, reply if you’re waiting on your final score, and then YOU’RE DONE! Oh just the thought of it makes me cry just a little bit. And tell me what the first thing you are going to do if you pass. I’m going to go buy myself something indulgent. Something completely unneeded, overpriced and irrational. And it’s going to feel great!

    FAR – 88

    AUD – 92

    REG – 85

    BEC – ???

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  • #217342

    The only people i actually told about the sections of exam i took are my co-workers. None of my family members or even my girl friend knows i actually took 3 sections and passed them. I know it's crazy but whenever they see me studying, they get worries which in turn makes me more worry. So whenever they ask me when i'm taking the exam, i told them i postponed it because i wasn't ready. Now, i'm waiting for FAR and hopefully i pass it so i can tell them and celebrate.

    AUD 85

    REG 79

    BEC 87

    FAR ????


    RLP, that is such a great idea… I wish I did the same thing. I told everyone – my friends and family members and now they all ask if I know my results yet. Failing itself and studying again doesn't scare me as much as that I have to tell all these doctors and lawyers that I failed…


    MsA, I wouldn't be concerned about explaining CPA exam failure to doctors & lawyers.

    Physician licensing exam national pass rate = 71%

    Bar exam national pass rate = 71%

    CPA exam national pass rate = 48-50%

    πŸ˜‰ They don't know difficult!


    MsA, spstarla78 is right!

    I've been at this exam for a while. My 18 months are up on 10/31.

    I've failed this thing plenty of times and know exactly what it feels like to explain failure and feel humilated. I even contemplated giving up. But thanks to a supportive husband and family, and all of the people on this blog, I was inspired to keep going. You're doing something very challenging, and you should always be proud of that. Keep on trucking! Soon you will have those letters.

    REG is my last part and I am praying every second.


    Thank you, guys, I love the support and feeling of not being alone this website and people here give! And I sincerely wish all of you best of luck.

    CPAstressed, good for you for staying on track – I pray for being able to do the same… Even if fail.

    Spstarla78, I'm going to send these statistics to everyone I know!


    In the same boat

    FAR – 96

    AUD – 99

    REG – 80

    BEC – TOOK ON AUG 29, 2009


    Count me in! Please God, let me have passed this test so I will be DONE! Yes, that really is a prayer. I need all I can get right now. πŸ™‚

    AUD- 85

    FAR- 80

    REG- 79

    BEC- ????


    I'm waiting for AUD score…this is my last one, and my 18 months are up 10/31/09…so I REALLY need to pass. The waiting is killing me!!


    Yes I am waiting for BEC in Texas…

    FAR- 76

    AUD- 97

    REG- 81

    BEC- ??

    I haven't even thought far enough ahead to think of what I will do if I am DONE studying forever! Going on a shopping spree sure does sound good though!! Good luck everyone.


    I'm waiting for my last score – AUD. I'm staying positive and entertaining no other thought than I passed. Good luck to all.


    I am in MA and I am waiting for my FAR score (it's my final section). I passed the other 3 parts on the first attempt. I sat for FAR on 8/1/09, which is prior to the Wave 1 cutoff; however, I didn't receive my score in Wave 1. I do not believe that I received a new simulation…neither sim was on the new 141 stuff. The wait has been excruciating and very depressing. With every day that passes, I lose more hope. I will lose credit for AUD on 11/30/09, which makes it even worse. It has been a real struggle to pay for the exam and the review materials, since my employer won't cover the cost. We can take our overtime hours as vacation time in the off-season, or we can receive the cash for the additional hours. I chose to take the overtime to study, which amounted to $5,500 in lost overtime money last tax season.


    Kroyal0216, don't despair. I was in the same situation as you are with FAR. I sat for it in early April and didn't get my score until sometime in June. I passed and so will you.


    Hi everyone – good luck to all who are waiting for BEC – looks like it's coming soon. I am soo disappointed that it looks like the rest of us have to wait until next week! I am fairly sure I can FEEL my hair turning gray as I stress over this… LOL


    I wish I took BEC last, I wouldn't have to wait as long. My luck Auditing will come out last this wave πŸ™


    I'm waiting for FAR too and I'm from MA!!! Kroyal, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too. I can't imagine waiting that long for FAR!

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