Reply if you're waiting for your LAST score! - Page 10

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  • #156581

    This is madness. I’ve never been more anxious waiting for a score before. I’m actually losing it. Yesterday, I got on the completely wrong freeway going home from work and didn’t realize it until half way to the beach (and I don’t live by the beach). LOL

    So, I need my sanity back please. I’m waiting on BEC and I’m in CA, so at least I don’t have to wait THAT much longer than I absolutely have to, but it’s still excrutiating.

    So, reply if you’re waiting on your final score, and then YOU’RE DONE! Oh just the thought of it makes me cry just a little bit. And tell me what the first thing you are going to do if you pass. I’m going to go buy myself something indulgent. Something completely unneeded, overpriced and irrational. And it’s going to feel great!

    FAR – 88

    AUD – 92

    REG – 85

    BEC – ???

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  • #217462

    soon CPA – took the exam 4/7, received my score on 6/22 (I will never forget those dates, lol). The reason they kept my exam for so long is because it had a new simulation.

    AUD - P (4/09), REG - P (5/09), BEC - P (8/09), FAR - P (11/09)

    soon CPA


    It was a heroic standoff. !!! Good for you!

    I will also remember my dates. this is just awful.

    I am very much worried about my little baby 75. Where is it? how is it doing without me?

    Probably without food and drink and shelter in this cold weather! Come home sweet 75. I will take

    the best care of you and keep in my heart forever.

    Am I going crazy or am I crazy?!)


    Waiting on FAR… should come out around 12/21… ahh!

    This will make me or break me. I'm either done, or else I lose Audit and have to pass both Financial and Audit during January because at the end of January, I lose Reg.

    wow. I've never had a child… but I'm pretty sure that the pain that goes along with the CPA exam can compare to child labor… haha… but this has been 18+ months!!!

    AUD - 75; REG - 79; BEC - 72,75; FAR - 72,80 - DONE!!! THANK THE LORD!!!!


    StudyGirl – Pain from the CPA exam is FAR worse (yes, pun intended) than childbirth. I'd rather have morning sickness every day for 9 months and have triplets than have to sit for this exam again. And yes, I'm a mom so I speak from experience. =)


    Waiting for REG score taken 11/16. Hopefully I will have good news before Christmas and be done with this whole process!


    Just waiting on AUD. I've simply been assuming and acting as though I passed; it'll be great to get confirmation that the whole thing is indeed over with.


    I am waiting for my last score as well. The last time I was waiting for my last score, I received bad news… 72. I am SO hoping this time will be different, but who knows? Each test is so different. GL to everyone, and I hope I'm not jinxing myself by posting to this thread again.





    BEC- 72, (11/24 results pending)

    soon CPA

    8 days to go. I will pass! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee God!!!!


    Waiting on BEC in Ohio….please let this be done…

    REG: 7/09-81
    AUD: 8/09-76
    FAR: 10/09-77


    I'm waiting for my last two… BEC and Reg. The anticipation is killing me!

    FAR 90 - AUD 89 - REG (10/27) Waiting.. - BEC 82


    I am waiting on AUD (Took it 10/30) and REG (Took it 11/29).


    i'm waiting on AUD (10/22) and BEC (11/20). in the mean time, i'm working on the ethics exam…


    “I am very much worried about my little baby 75. Where is it? how is it doing without me?

    Probably without food and drink and shelter in this cold weather! Come home sweet 75. I will take

    the best care of you and keep in my heart forever.” OMG, soonCPA, this made me laugh out loud at work. These are my sentiments EXACTLY. Maybe your sweet little 75 is out there with my little 75 (pleeeeeeease!!!!). I can only pray!!!

    soon CPA


    Yup. i think so my and your sweet 75+75 probably are out there in without us. We should pray together for their safe home coming. We will dance for them and sing and cook some delicious food and have ready warm clothes. Please babies come home we have missed you so much! What do you think should we buy Xmas gifts for them? I think so! I already promised a nice and expensive perfume. Hope my little babe 75 will like it.


    Took FAR on 11/7 and the wait is brutal!

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