Re-Study tips for FAR. - Page 2

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  • #159920
    F5 to Refresh

    OK..I know this question has been posted before, and I did search, but did not find a whole lot of information. I failed FAR with a 72, I used Becker and tried to cram everything into 4.5 weeks (really wish I knew about that extension) and took my exam on 2/28. I have not touched my material since. At this point what would be the best strategy for re-studying? Should I go through the entire program again, or should I simply order the “Final Review”? I have already purchased Jeff’s Ninja Guide and plan on going through that material as well…

    I am confident the Sims killed me since I left four of them pretty much blank. I was able to complete the Becker Sims within an hour without much difficulty, so that is how much time I allocated to the Sims during the exam, I ended up running out of time.

    Any/All thoughts are appreciated.

    AUD 79 Q4 2010 - NY
    BEC 84 Q4 2010
    REG 79 Q1 2011
    FAR 86 Q2 2011 - Done

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  • #271038
    F5 to Refresh

    Thanks 2010….I think next time I will leave the research tab(s) for last and focus on the longer TBSs. Just found out I passed REG, so 3 out of four aint bad. I would have been pretty devastated if I had failed both. Funny thing is that I walked out of REG positive I failed, and walked out of FAR thinking I did alright. Funny how the mind works.

    AUD 79 Q4 2010 - NY
    BEC 84 Q4 2010
    REG 79 Q1 2011
    FAR 86 Q2 2011 - Done


    After going the third time on FAR and finally passing in Q1 2011, my study strategy for the 3rd time proved far more effective than my study efforts for the second time (in which I left the prometric center and promptly burst into tears). So basically, I rewatched all Becker lectures, did all the MCQ (and the supplemental ones this time, which I did NOT do the first two times), but took the last few days before my test to really concentrate on my handwritten notes, and did a progress test once about every 4-5 days (didn't plan that, just happened that way). I also found that really going in depth in the final exams and figuring out the questions I got wrong helped. And the sims were extremely hard in my third FAR effort, but I found them way more doable than the first two times I took the test.

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