Q4 CPA pass rates

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    The exam is meant to keep people out, not test actual knowledge. If the AICPA feels the exams are getting too easy, then they will make them harder. Also, pass rates are much higher in Q2 and Q3 so expect a drop in Q4 pass rates. Sounds stupid, but it probably has something to do with the weather and its affect on mood/motivation.




    Looks like we can always expect a drop in Q4 but not due to any real changes in difficulty in the exam because they adjust scoring to make it more fair and not penalize people who get unlucky due to difficulty variances.


    This past year the SIMS became 50% of the score which I am sure is responsible for the drop in pass rates…. BEC with SIMS is also theoretically harder to pass…


    see see

    Accounting Adam

    If you look into how the questions are weighted it may provide some insight. I know if many peoples struggle with a question, it is worth more ‘points'.

    This way of pitting our scores against each other would result in similar pass rates year after year. Example: As we're learning more and more, more of us are getting the same questions right – making them worthless.

    It's all about getting the hard questions right..

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