Q4 AICPA Pass Rates

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  • #2912364

    Q4 pass rates just updated today: https://www.aicpa.org/becomeacpa/cpaexam/psychometricsandscoring/passingrates.html

    FAR took a huge beating dropping 10% from Q3.
    BEC dropped to its average in the high 50’s from its all time high rate of 63%.
    REG saw the least fluctuation and AUD dropped under 50%.

    Looks like the holidays really affected the scores.

    Good luck to all those waiting on score release on Feb 4!

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  • Author
  • #2912391

    I failed BEC with a 70 in Q3 and passed in Q4. Waiting for FAR score Feb 25


    I'm in a similar boat.
    Failed BEC with a 74 in Q3 and passed in Q4.
    Waiting on REG score release Feb 4. Trying to study FAR right now but it's been tough to focus. It's good you didn't wait until the end to tackle FAR. Good luck! Hope you get good news on the 25th.


    My FAR study time was actually cut short due to me having to retake BEC! Had no choice but to at least give my best attempt. I scheduled it the last possible day I could take it.


    “FAR took a huge beating dropping 10% from Q3.”

    I freakin' KNEW that FAR was unfairly difficult when I took it…

    Seriously AICPA, I know you're trying to make sure only the worthy get in, but you seriously need to chill. We're gonna reach a point of not enough accountants at this rate 😮

    Biff Tannen

    Now I feel more confident – I took FAR during Q4 and passed on my first attempt. Thanks for posting this


    Thank for information. I took Audit in Q4 thought I passed, but end up failing. How do they score us?


    Passed FAR in Q4 with a 76. Took the WI ethics exam in January and passed. Just received my license a few days ago 🙂 It’s been a long road.

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