Q2 BEC Score release - Page 6

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  • #1600548

    I feel like those of us waiting on Q2 BEC scores need our own thread because we’re in our own special little club. πŸ™‚

    So do you think we will actually have to wait until the 22nd, or any chance they may be released on the 17th with everyone else? I’ve been hearing mixed reviews from people (although no one really knows for sure obviously). Are you going to be checking tomorrow night/Thursday morning with everyone else, or wait?

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  • #1606341

    I think if there was going to
    be a clock it would already be up. Y'all?

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    Is there anybody from IL waiting for their BEC score?

    AUD Passed 78 (4x) Thank you Lord.
    REG Passed 81 (2x) Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino
    FAR Passed 77 (3x) Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino. Thank you Lord.
    My CPA journey started in 2013 and it will be finished in April 2016. That's for sure!!
    Ethics 91


    I kinda think the clock would be up by now too, especially since the clock was up almost 3 days before Aug 17th. We're just the ugly stepchildren of Q2 lol

    @GinjaNinja good luck tomorrow! I'm finding it difficult to concentrate on REG studying right now too because I honestly have no idea what to expect from my BEC score either πŸ™


    @newaccountant thanks that is good to hear someone got an extension.

    Why isn't the clock up?!?! Lol…


    Or is able to at least apply for an extension (I misread the first time through your post, got ahead of myself )


    MarwanRefaat – Oh my gosh – YES! I had a very vivid dream that I got a score of “9” on BEC. I don't even know if that's possible. lol! In the dream, my husband said, “It's okay! Next time try for a “10”…and then try for an “11”….” What a nightmare!!! lol!

    I had a co-worker who was waiting on Audit scores. He dreamed that he got a 96. Then he opened his scores on the 17th and failed with a 70 πŸ™
    Maybe the opposite will happen to us too!

    Yes – the wait is getting worse and worse. I take Audit on 8/26…and I am trying to focus, but this wait is making it tough. Okay, back to the books!


    @yackemo: I had a dream 2 nights ago that my BEC score was an “A”

    Not sure what to make of that but I fear it'll turn out similar to your co-worker.


    @Karrie haha that's funny “We're just the ugly stepchildren of Q2″…..so true!
    And thank you!!


    The lack of a countdown clock or any additional score release mentioned on the score page is making me a little worried. I wouldn't be surprised if I sit here refreshing tomorrow night only to keep getting “score not found” messages popping up.


    @yackemo17 A friend told me that ” The legend says what you had in a dream, the opposite will happen in real life”.
    I hope that it is true at least this time πŸ˜€

    AUD - 71, 73, 87
    BEC - N/A
    FAR - 54, 73
    REG - N/A



    @MarwanRefaat Lol Yes…hopefully on BEC, I will follow the trend of your Audit scores! ……..71, 73, 87….I would be so happy!

    Good luck! It's out of our hands at this point. Believing that is the only thing keeping me sane at this point!

    I have to say that having this forum available…has really helped. Thank you everyone πŸ™‚


    Thanks for starting this thread I feel like we guys waiting for the BEC scores need a special treatment!! I can't wait anymore to have my score !! I have been waiting for such a long time !! I actually took my exam back on May !!
    AUD 66-83
    BEC 69- not yet released


    Good lock every one


    I am also surprised the dooms day clock isn't back up yet. But maybe they are leaving it available for those still checking for other sections (although I can't imagine anyone waiting this long to check their score). I am going to lose my mind. BEC is my last section. My audit score expires 10/04, which doesn't leave much room to work with. I wished they would've waited until BEC scores were out before they added 9/10 as a test day, this would at least give us a shot to be able to test this quarter. Come on 75!!!! Be there tomorrow, please!!!!! Good Luck to everyone!!! Thank you for creating this thread. It makes me feel less alone in this stressful situation. Doing this Wednesday night and tomorrow is more than a person can take!!! LOL Success to all!!!


    Did anybody else have any glitches during their BEC Exam? My exam glitched not once, but twice during the test. I have taken BEC multiply times before and that had never happened, yet the examiner at the test center said they had quite a few candidates that had a problem with the new BEC exam. I am just curious and hoping the glitches somehow help me out!! LOL

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