Q2 BEC Score release - Page 2

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  • #1600548

    I feel like those of us waiting on Q2 BEC scores need our own thread because we’re in our own special little club. 🙂

    So do you think we will actually have to wait until the 22nd, or any chance they may be released on the 17th with everyone else? I’ve been hearing mixed reviews from people (although no one really knows for sure obviously). Are you going to be checking tomorrow night/Thursday morning with everyone else, or wait?

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  • #1600944

    @GinjaNinja my AUD will expire on 10/31/2017, i already send a request to get the 3-months extension and hoping that it will be approved. If not, passing BEC will leave me with another try for REG in q4.

    AUD - 71, 73, 87
    BEC - N/A
    FAR - 54, 73
    REG - N/A



    I really think most of us will get our scores tonight. The 22nd date is just a disclaimer incase they need extra time. They've had the most time with this release!

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    @Holly that was what I was thinking too. They’ve had SO MUCH extra time!! I hope you’re right.

    @GinjaNinja My AUD credit will expire in March 2018, so I will have Q4 and Q1 for retakes. I am already planning on having to retake REG in Q4 though. With my work schedule and everything, I don’t think I’m going to have enough time to review everything to be ready in Sept. So that reallllly makes me anxious to see my BEC score because I realllly don’t want to retake that one too! 🙁 @GinjaNinja how do you feel about REG, are you ready?


    Holly reading your comment just got me so excited! That would be awesome. I'm not going to stay up and wait though.

    AUD (08/02/2016)


    Where exactly do I check the score again? I always wait until it post to my NASBA – CPA Central, but I know there is another way where you enter your D.O.B. and #.

    AUD (08/02/2016)


    I think this is what you're thinking of.
    I have never been able to get my score from here though, i always needed to go to my state board website. Does anyone know if MD is different with score release or I'm just doing it wrong?


    @dontmakemeaudityourass Under the nasba countdown clock, it says “NASBA does not provide online score reporting for CA, IL, KY, MD, ND, NV, or OK.” So you're not doing it wrong, but it sucks that those states don't do it. Do you still see your score at the same time through your state's website, or do you have to wait longer?


    It didn't even cross my mind to check on the 17th! Yikes. Now I HAVE to check! Good luck everyone!


    So Im not crazy lol. So far I've gotten my scores at 5:30am from the MD License Board website.


    Gonna check the thread after 1am first to see if someone got his score

    AUD - 71, 73, 87
    BEC - N/A
    FAR - 54, 73
    REG - N/A



    @MarwanRefaat I think that's a good idea. I'm going to try to sleep through the night and just check in the morning, but I have a feeling I will wake up at some point in the middle of the night because of the anxiety. If I do, I'll be sure to post on here asap


    I haven't visited this site lately. I am waiting for my BEC score I took the exam back in May. I am a nervous wreck. The count down doesn't specify much if this is for BEC 2nd quarter too?
    I am from GA.


    I just saw release scores for BEC is the 22nd. 🙁 I got kind of excited it could be earlier.
    The release is for the other tests.
    Good luck everybody!!!


    @Karrie I definitely can relate to your struggle. If I were you, I would still take REG in September just to give yourself an extra chance at passing. You have nothing to lose except the exam fee.

    I am feeling pretty good about REG. For the past few days, I have been skimming my Roger book and making flashcards for things I struggle with remembering. My plan is to commit them to my short-term memory. I went through the entire Gleim MCQ bank twice with an average score of 79%. I also went through all of the Gleim sims, but only averaging bout 60% on them, which scares me a little!

    mad max

    BEC score was not up. I did get my AUD score though (Pass – 82)

    See u guys Sunday night (ahhhhh!)

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