Q2 BEC Score release

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  • #1600548

    I feel like those of us waiting on Q2 BEC scores need our own thread because we’re in our own special little club. 🙂

    So do you think we will actually have to wait until the 22nd, or any chance they may be released on the 17th with everyone else? I’ve been hearing mixed reviews from people (although no one really knows for sure obviously). Are you going to be checking tomorrow night/Thursday morning with everyone else, or wait?

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  • #1600563

    I was able to enjoy my summer but this past week, I've been a wreck (I check the IL website everyday lol). I'm going to check on the 17th even though I don't think it will be up, and will check everyday until I see the score. IL doesn't post scores right away – it's usually up around 7-8am that morning so at least I won't have to stay up and possibly wait for nothing!


    I think I was ok until they put the NASBA countdown clock up. To put the clock up with a 48 hour countdown is painful. A 24 hour countdown would have been fine.


    Thanks for making our own thread! I keep looking at the others for specifically BEC posts.

    I plan on checking Thursday, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up about it. I won't be staying up or setting an alarm or anything. I just don't understand why the extra 5 days were needed! 🙁


    I agree with all of you! It’s so hard this week seeing everyone counting down to tomorrow night, but not knowing for sure if I’ll know mine then. I also agree the countdown clock that early was really excessive – maybe they were getting so much website traffic that they put it up early.

    I think I am going to check Thursday morning as well, but I’m not going to try to wake up early or anything. I’m somewhat hopeful that we might get ours on the 17th, but then it’ll be that much more frustrating if we don’t. Especially when everyone else is posting about their scores on here. I don’t understand why the extra days are needed this time either. It makes sense for a normal testing window, but not this one where they’ve already had so much more time. 🙁


    It honestly just seems odd to me that the scores WOULD come out later. The countdown on the site gives us one date… I am SO getting my hopes up lol.

    This would be my other nightmare – that SOME BEC people get scores the 17th, but i'm not one of them :O


    It honestly just seems odd to me that the scores WOULD come out later. The countdown on the site gives us one date… I am SO getting my hopes up lol.

    This would be my other nightmare – that SOME BEC people get scores the 17th, but i'm not one of them :O


    This wait i too much. I'm checking on the 17th in hopes that its there and even bigger hopes that it is the end of this journey.


    @KLK3 that's one of my nightmares too!! I will be so much more anxious if that happens!! I am torn between thinking there's no way they need those extra days, but then also wondering why they would specify a different date for BEC people if they didn't need it.

    Nothing productive will happen between Thursday morning and the time I get my score, that's for sure lol.


    NASBA just sent an email out a few minutes ago saying they just opened more seats to take the exam through September 10th. If I fail, I'd get granted an extension for AUD through December 10th but I'd really like to go for it in Q3 to get an extra attempt. I'm afraid we'll get the last pick for seats if we find out a full 5 days after everyone else! Hopefully I won't have to retake it but I've found out with this exam, you really don't know what's going to happen lol.


    I was able to enjoy the summer but this week I've been getting random bouts of anxiety. I'm going to check the CPA scores the 17th (but I've been randomly checking it anyways hoping for good news lol). This was my last exam so hopefully I won't need to study again!!


    @rb2017 @dontmakemeaudityourass I will be rooting for both of you!! It would be so brutal to have to study again when you've already got the mindset that you might be done. I have no clue what to expect when I see my score, but I am studying for REG right now, so that is at least a distraction. Unfortunately, I feel like I'm not giving REG my full focus because BEC nightmares are lingering in my head.


    @KLK3 The scenario that some people might get their scores on 17th but i'm not one of them is SCARY

    AUD - 71, 73, 87
    BEC - N/A
    FAR - 54, 73
    REG - N/A



    @karrie I can see that we are in the same situation, let's hope to get a passing score on BEC then nail REG on September.

    AUD - 71, 73, 87
    BEC - N/A
    FAR - 54, 73
    REG - N/A



    @Karrie & @MarwanRefaat Looks like all three of us are in the same boat…except my REG exam is this Monday. I purposely scheduled it the day before score release. Out of curiosity, when does your first credit expire? My FAR exam credit expires 1/25/18, so I essentially may only have 2 more chances at BEC and REG if things don't go as planned….which absolutely kills me to think about!!!


    I have FAR and BEC this quarter. I'm expecting like a 8 or 9 on BEC, so I could wait another 6 weeks for that score. I expect to see a passing score for FAR. Hopefully it's in the high 80s for good measure.

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