Pattern of Early Release

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  • #2609874

    I almost moved my test up to the August 6 release date and then I didn’t because I felt unprepared. Now, I have to wait til the 22nd to find out my score for FAR which I took last week. Do you guys think that there is any chance that this early release from the past period will carry over into the future? Did NASBA give any insight on why the score release was so early this time?

    I just hate playing this waiting game and just curious to hear from others in the same situation.

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  • #2610390

    NASBA hasn't said anything about whether or not this would continue moving forward. I'm pretty sure the early release that just happened is unheard of. I wouldn't assume that it would reoccur for future dates. It was crazy though.

    Biff Tannen

    I certainly hope they follow that trend. Waiting 2 weeks for my BEC score is nerve wracking!!


    I am waiting on REG and also hope they do an early release. @lifotheparty are you studying for your next exam in the meantime?


    I am just here waiting for them to say something along the lines of; “in this early release window we will add 4 points to every exam” so my 71 can turn into a 75. Lol I don’t know but this early release gives me some sort of hope, miracles can happen. Just because I found out my score 5 days before somehow, I can miraculously pass next time. Lol
    Guys, this is my way of coping with my failure. I feel like I would jump into ongoing traffic if I don’t laugh about this. Pushing through failure. I have come a long way.

    I need to pass before busy season.


    Now that the latest period has closed, I'm not sure if I want an early release or not lol

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