Passed Final CPA Section – Still No NASBA Score Letter – PLEASE HELP!!!

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  • #157539

    OK so I saw my final score appear on NASBA’s website 1 week ago (REG) but still haven’t received my NASBA score report in the mail. I understand it takes them awhile to release the “congrats letter”, but it usually doesn’t take long to get the snail mail score report after seeing the score online. I talked with the state board on Monday and they still hadn’t seen the scores from NASBA.

    Anyone else in this situation? Has anyone from Jan/Feb Wave 2 received their snail mail NASBA score letter?

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  • #224443



    I got my final score online for Wave 1 last window on a Sat morning and didn't get my letter in the mail for about a week and a half saying I passed all parts with all of my scores listed. I was expecting it to be longer. Your state licensing agency should be able to see that you passed the test. In WI you can send in your application for license once you pass all don't need to send them a copy of the letter with all of your scores.


    From my experience, you should be receiving it anyday now. I have received my as early as 1 week and as late as 2 weeks. I know that you just want to see that letter with the word “credit” after each exam. I know I did. Be patient, it will come. Huge Congrats on being done!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    It's still not too long yet almax. It took a week & a half at least for 2 sections, 4 days for the 3rd section. I saw my online score last Monday for my last section & received the letter from NASBA this Monday, so exactly a week later. Just the standard letter showing the score & “Credit” that I got for the other three sections. Oddly, the 2nd page attached was the re-examination instructions.


    thanks for the posts guys – just a little anxious I guess. I'm ready to get my cert and license and be done!!

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