Pass Rates

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  • #1603640

    Anyone know when they usually post the pass rates for the quarter? I am really curious to see the overall effect the new exam had on the pass rates.

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  • #1603646

    Probably a few days later to a few weeks after they get the BEC scores out on the 22nd.


    I'm sure it's the same 43-45% it usually is. They make sure to curve it that way even though they say there is no curving


    IL's Facebook page posted an hour ago saying “All scores received were posted. Until the 22nd…” so I feel a little better knowing they're not going to release anything early. I think I'm just going to try to enjoy this weekend because who knows what will happen Tuesday!


    I saw this post and just looked at Q1 pass rates out of curiosity and they seem really low! I finished my exams about a year ago and when I was taking it, it seemed like the pass rates hovered around 45-50% with BEC being around 55%. Now they are hovering around 43-46% with BEC at about 50%. I guess the first and last quarters always have the lowest pass rates, but those seem really low.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    @CPA2BEE I think Q1 of this year was particularly low because everyone wanted to pull a Hail Mary before the exam changes.


    I also think the Q1 pass rates might have been lower this year because of people potentially cramming their tests in a bit early, anticipating the long score delay and the new test overall.

    I'm always interested in seeing the pass rates, so I have checked them often over the last year of taking this test. The simple answer to when they are posted (at least where I found them) was that they come out way later than you'd think. At least a few weeks after the scores are released.

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