Open letter, March Scores

  • This topic has 28 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #159867

    Releasing the January/February scores at the end of March is an unfair and unprofessional act on the part of the AICPA.

    Receiving a score so close to a new window is unfair in that it impacts our ability to register for and schedule a failed test in the following window.

    The ability to retest immediately in the following window will certainly be crucial for those candidates who find themselves in the uncomfortable position of waiting for a score on their final section while being in danger of loosing credit for a section they have passed. For some, the ability to retest in the very next window could mean all the difference in the world.

    The pressure is not strictly on the above-described candidate because any candidate who has credit for a section is also operating under the eighteen-month cut off rule and they too must be extremely cautious of testing opportunities. In short, potentially being shut out of an immediate retest is detrimental to every candidate.

    Further more, for the AICPA to be putting the candidate in this situation is unprofessional to the point of being ludicrous. If the AICPA were not fully prepared to implement and grade this new test with minimal disruption to the candidate, it should not have been done. We, the candidates have enough pressure without acting as involuntary guinea pigs in this process. The exam should have been Beta tested, Beta graded and the implementation should have been seamless from the eyes of the candidate. Honestly, are we not paying enough in fees for that? Is the AICPA incapable of doing it?

    I for one am contacting my state board and demanding an extension to the eighteen month rule for those of us who are actively testing during the implementation phase of the new exam.

    I apologize if I am ranting; I am simply tired of being at the mercy of the AICPA and NASBA.

    BEC:84,exp'd. retest 2/28/2013 (74)


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  • #270116

    I agree with you 100%. It's extremely unfair.


    It makes me wonder exactly what they are hoping to accomplish, lose more CPAs or just keep up a lucrative cash cow they have going. I am seriously rethinking being not only a CPA but working in accounting altogether if I lose my AUD credit and have to start over if I fail FAR and BEC this time. I took FAR on 2.26 and will take BEC (for the 5th time now) on 4.30. If I've failed one or both I have only until the end of May before I lose AUD. At that point I may just say **** you I'm out and go back to project management. I've been at this since Nov 08 and I'm sick and tired of this damn test.


    I feel you guys pain. You're obviously frustrated but don't quit. I am not sure about the entire process so its hard for me to say what the AICPA could have done. I just take the exam and pray that I pass. I think you guys are just frustrated and you have every right to be. This site is a great place to rant and get up some pent up aggression. We will all be ok.



    I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I have been thinking that they should extend the 18 month rule because of them releasing the scores they way they are! I shouldn't be in danger of losing a score because of the 18 month window, but I could imagine and understand what other candidates in this situation are thinking.


    @SecondTime, Excellent post. I agree with everything you said.

    @dhuffman, I completely understand your frustrations and I hope that you passed your sections and won't end up losing credit for any.The CPA exam itself and all of the administrative mess that goes along with it are a joke and an insult to the profession. I knew this long ago and it's the reason I didn't take the exam sooner. The exam doesn't test one's competence as an accountant; rather, both the exam and the administrative b.s. merely serve to test one's ability to persevere through nonsense. Unfortunately, having a CPA license seems to be more important now than it was just a few years ago if one is to remain in the accounting profession. I have no plans to ever work in public accounting, but a CPA license (and Big 4 experience) is now being required more frequently for jobs that not so long ago didn't require it (e.g., senior accountant of a privately held company). I have considered leaving the profession numerous times, but the pluses still outweigh the minuses (although not by much). I hope that both the AICPA and NASBA pull their heads out of their @sses really soon.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    Re: The 18-month window. If you can't retake an exam during the same quarter, how does the delay in scoring affect the 18-month window?


    For example.. if there were two wave releases, I would know in February if I failed my exam from January.. then I would be able to start studying and then retake in April… for score release in May. With 2 wave releases, you have the ability to begin studying immediately and the ability to order NTS sooner and take the exam sooner.

    NOW, I won't know till the end of March if I failed or not. If I failed.. (Notified at the end of March),, I will reschedule for end of May, because I need time to study (again) (if not filled up already) PLUS have to reschedule my work schedule at the last minute to study for the exam again…

    It's just a timing issue. If a candidate finds out at the end of March, then they only have days to order a NEW NTs and sit for the exam.. seriously..less time to order and schedule into the new testing window causes the 18 month window to cut short.


    Continuing the rant…

    And don't forget the other side of this story….our employers (at least in public accounting) demand we take this test in order to get a any kind of paltry raise and perhaps a token promotion. When the day comes and I pass this thing I don't expect the raise will dare to cover all the costs of exam fees and review materials I've shelled out. Public accounting jobs never base the pay relative to the degree of education and skill level that is required. Does anybody work in audit – note disclosures are getting longer and more complicated every year (hello – fair value, are you kidding) and the time I spend studying would be better spent on memorizing the FASB Codification so I could really be better at my job – sorry not kidding as it has been suggested as a way to improve skills to be a better accountant during annual review. Really – BEC be damned – that exam is useless anyway – has nothing to do with accounting – all you need is some expertise at REG, AUD and FAR to protect the public.

    And for some of us, our employers eliminate our ability to test for most of the 1st and 2nd windows because of massive amount of OT REQUIRED during tax season, leaving us to cram in 4 sections in 2 windows which is CPA candidate suicide in the first place. Given the AICPA scoring process delays, as so eloquently ranted upon above, and it's no wonder anybody goes through this – hello, how hard is it to score Multiple choice and fill in the blanks? I can definitely say that in the end, the payoff is way too many years down the road for this to be an attractive profession. Problem is you get all starry eyed about being a CPA and how grand life will be when you pass that test BEFORE you get immersed in the process to the point that it would be lame to give up once you've passed a section or two, not to mention all that money you've already put into it. I ask myself everyday – why am I doing this?

    I'm in the same boat as many – been working on exam every month outside tax season for 2 years – having failed 3 sections and passed 3 – and here I sit waiting for my last score – FAR, the flame throwing evil demon – with the sinking feeling that I'm going to have to redo in the next testing window dragging out this process into the next score release – I'm George Jetson on the treadmill shouting “Jaaaaannnneeee, get me off of this thing” Now how many of you are out there are even old enough to get that…..I really am way too old to be doing this………….

    <end of rant> thanks for listening, I feel better now…woo hoo scores are coming next week 🙂 maybe? hopefully? unfortunately?

    B - 76
    A - 77
    R - 78
    F - 11/22/11 Alabama NTS #463


    LMAO.. you did a GEORGE JETSON.. and asked who would be old enough to know that… please don't do that.. because then you would be calling me old at the age of 30! haha 🙂 Loved it though!


    @CPA Someday

    Forgive me – didn't realize 30 somethings would get the Jetson's reference – was referring to MY generation who would be YOUR parents 🙂 There are a few of us out here going through this crazy process at a time when we are not that far out from retirement. So next time you go to Prometric, and you see some “old” man or woman sitting nearby – just assume they are taking the same test you are and give then a wink and a nod to show how proud you are they are brave enough to tackle this so late in life.

    And for those of you on sitting with me on this side of the middle ages – I mean middle age….it's never to late to get a hair brained idea like taking the CPA exam at a time when your “senior” moments come before you qualify to be a “senior” accountant, which is the very important title which will be bestowed upon me when I pass the blasted exam (which of course I will politely refuse to use, as who wants to be referred to as senior anything at this age). Is there a pneumonic for “SENIOR”? That's about the only one I could retain……

    It's not really that funny when your AARP card arrives in the mail at the same time as your score reports – unless of course you pass and you can say eff you, can't be that old if I can remember enough stuff to snag a 75.

    B - 76
    A - 77
    R - 78
    F - 11/22/11 Alabama NTS #463


    Thanks for the participation thus far.

    I would like to add this, while frustrated I have no intention of quitting and I certainly encourage everyone else to keep moving forward.

    I just want a dialog directed at the actions of the AICPA and NASBA. We candidates are not sheep and we are not ignorant. We truly deserve more consideration than we are being given.

    I know from years of working in the government that when enough people start complaining, bureaucrats get nervous and changes are made.

    I plan on calling the California Board of Accountancy on Monday. Then I will call the AICPA and NASBA. If we do not act as our own advocates, we will continue to be treated as second-class citizens.

    BEC:84,exp'd. retest 2/28/2013 (74)



    LOL I get the GJ reference. I'm 47 have a BS in Public Admin (prelaw) and an MBA both with 3.92 GPAs so the idiocy of these tests is really beginning to wear on me. I worked in telecom prior to being laid off, moved to the middle of nowhere for my husband's job, went back to school to get the 24 hours needed to meet my state board requirements to sit for the exam, have spent well over 5 grand so far on tests and retests and review material. I am lucky enough to work in a very small CPA office doing govt auditing which I do enjoy very much along with tax work but my salary is about 1990 level telecom entry level pay and I don't see it improving just because I get my CPA. I'm hoping with that when, if we move again it will get me a job where ever we move AND I can help bring in more work where I am.


    Yep, I get GJ too. I'm in my late 30s. I too have spent over $5k so far. Good times. I really hope that I'll be able to look back after having my license for a few years and be able to say that it was worth all of the sacrifice.

    Hang in there everyone! Money (or credit), persistence, and the patience to deal with tons of b.s. are the tickets to getting through this.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    dhuffman when you say govt auditing what exactly do you do? Im joining a compliance group want to compair the work.

    FAR: 7/17/10 missed exam FML reschedule 8/29/10-77 EPIC!
    REG: 5/31/11-73 SMH, 8/31/11-85
    BEC: 4/15/10-72 : retake 10/3/10-80
    AUD: 11/28/10-74, 02/27/11-71 FML, 8/1/11-80
    Ethics 10/22/22-80, retake 11/28/11 - 88


    I audit school districts, most of which are single audits per OMB A-133, cities, towns, water districts and public trusts. Many of our clients are smaller so we also prepare the draft financial stmts along with the notes for their approval. I audit pretty much all of the BS items as they have little or no internal control. We use SMARTpractice from PPC. I'm also the person who does all the research about any issues there might be. We're very small, just the two CPAs who own the business, me who does the audits, another lady who does mostly tax work, payroll, and some compilations.

    When you do single audits a large part of the work is making sure the auditee is in compliance with the A-133 requirements so there may be similarities there.

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