Ok, Jeff received his birthday wishes, so let's stop wishing him happy birthday. Let's talk about CPA stuff.
Why don't we all go around the room and describe our celebratory plans after we find out that we passed! Especially those of us who are waiting on our last score! I'll go first:
When I see my passing score I will say, “I can't believe it! I'm done!” I will kiss my husband and then maybe break out some dance moves. If this occurs before 11pm I will call my parents and tell them the good news. And then I'll call my grandma. Ok, next it's facebook time. I'm still thinking of a good status. Maybe something like, “After spending the past 20 months studying, $2,000 on review materials, and $1400 on exam fees, I'm finally done with the cpa exam! Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition!!”
Meanwhile, on the night the scores come out, a bottle of champagne will be consumed. Because, as the great Winston Churchill said, “In victory you deserve champagne, in defeat you need it.” My celebratory meal will consist of Chinese take-out! Not very glamorous, but I love the stuff and rarely let myself eat it (I finally worked off the five honeymoon pounds from last summer)
I believe I also deserve a new purse, so a shopping spree is definitely on the menu as well.
So how is everyone else celebrating?