January/February 2011 Score Release Thread #1 [Closed] - Page 75

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  • #159512

    Has Any 446#### ‘s released yet? Im in PA waiting on FAR!!!!!!1 1 more to go baby……

    AUD – 80, BEC – 76, REG – 81, FAR – 2/28/2011

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  • #272166

    Ok, Jeff received his birthday wishes, so let's stop wishing him happy birthday. Let's talk about CPA stuff.

    Why don't we all go around the room and describe our celebratory plans after we find out that we passed! Especially those of us who are waiting on our last score! I'll go first:

    When I see my passing score I will say, “I can't believe it! I'm done!” I will kiss my husband and then maybe break out some dance moves. If this occurs before 11pm I will call my parents and tell them the good news. And then I'll call my grandma. Ok, next it's facebook time. I'm still thinking of a good status. Maybe something like, “After spending the past 20 months studying, $2,000 on review materials, and $1400 on exam fees, I'm finally done with the cpa exam! Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition!!”

    Meanwhile, on the night the scores come out, a bottle of champagne will be consumed. Because, as the great Winston Churchill said, “In victory you deserve champagne, in defeat you need it.” My celebratory meal will consist of Chinese take-out! Not very glamorous, but I love the stuff and rarely let myself eat it (I finally worked off the five honeymoon pounds from last summer)

    I believe I also deserve a new purse, so a shopping spree is definitely on the menu as well.

    So how is everyone else celebrating?



    I still have to get my passing BEC score and take and pass FAR, but around this time next year, my husband and I are going to take a cruise! He'll have graduated and hopefully I'll be done by then (LORD PLEASE!).

    And I plan to drink. I am really not much of a drinker, and I'm currently pregnant, but all I want is a friggin margarita!

    Happy birthday Jeff!

    Tex – My score expires in November too, and I'm a Texas candidate. Thanks for the heads-up.. I'd totally freak if I saw that right now too!

    BEC 52, 61, 74, 77
    AUD 80
    REG 75
    FAR 50, 60, 70, 74, 83...DONE!!
    ..Texas.. Baby #2 born 4/11/11


    you totally stole the most important part of my celebration (which I posted a while ago):

    if I fail both FAR and AUD: I drink a growler of IPA

    if I pass 1 of 2: I take the day off and drink the growler

    if I pass both: I take the day off, order take-out Chinese and drink the growler


    Going to go home and hold my 10 week old daughter and tell her that me missing a lot of the first 10 weeks of her life ended up being worth it

    BEC - 86
    AUD - 94
    REG - 88
    FAR - 89


    Bob, if you pass both i think you should drink 2 growlers.

    BEC - 10/15/10 - Pass
    AUD - 11/30/10 - Pass
    REG - 2/28/11 - Pass
    FAR - 5/31/11 - Pass


    well, I'm poor (see, I gots to pass first…), so how about a growler and then a 750ml of a double IPA?


    My post passing plans, in no particular order:

    – Play video games for 18 hours straight

    – Week long vacation (New York or DisneyWorld)

    – Make a baby

    FAR - 86
    AUD - 78
    BEC - 84
    REG - 68, 67, 8/4


    That should do the trick. If i pass i'm going out and getting rowdy, prob get kicked out of every bar in dtown Syracuse.

    Waiting blows. I can't bring myself to study for FAR while waiting for my REG score.

    BEC - 10/15/10 - Pass
    AUD - 11/30/10 - Pass
    REG - 2/28/11 - Pass
    FAR - 5/31/11 - Pass


    If I pass……..

    –>I will take a day off next week

    –>Stay at my friends beach condo with my girlfriend

    –>Drink wine and eat chinese food on the balcony

    That chinese food sounds so good right now LoL

    REG 85 | BEC 84 | FAR 81 | AUD 71, 4/25

    AK - 450$$$$


    Shave my legs and re-introduce myself to my husband. He may not recognize me anymore.

    Seriously, I've already rented a place at the beach for half the summer. I want to spend time with my family and enjoy the outdoors! I don't want another summer vacation of me sprawled out on some dining room table studying and yelling at my kids.

    Chinese food does sound good.


    we're up to 3 for Chinese on scores day! Come on ya'll, let's help out the Chinese food industry and all get some! They won;t even know what hit 'em!! They'll all be calling each other up trying to find out what the hell is causing this run on General Gao's chicken 😛


    I am waiting for my LAST score on BEC. I plan to get CPA wasted (lol)…I can't wait to see that Passing score..

    AUD - 74, 82 | REG - 82 | FAR - 76 |Ethics -98
    BEC - 71, 68, 81 (FINALLY DONE!!!!)
    TN NTS 443####


    Once you're done studying 1040s, you can drink 10 40s.

    FAR - 86
    AUD - 78
    BEC - 84
    REG - 68, 67, 8/4


    @Jeff Happy B'day!

    So I have a question for those that took REG. I have passed all my exams on the first try so far but I was done with REG about an hour faster then 3 hours we are allowed. For me this is mostly due to not having to type the essays. Did anyone else feel like they were done to fast?


    I am waiting on my LAST part so celebration has to take place on a large scale,

    So if I pass… I am going to take a real vacation: see my parents and go sand snowboarding in Dubai and get a life in general,

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