January/February 2011 Score Release Thread #1 [Closed] - Page 71

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  • #159512

    Has Any 446#### ‘s released yet? Im in PA waiting on FAR!!!!!!1 1 more to go baby……

    AUD – 80, BEC – 76, REG – 81, FAR – 2/28/2011

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  • #272106

    has anyone took regulation in jan or feb and how you felt about reg ?

    Erica H

    I took REG in February. It was really tough, but I think I knew the material. The sims were extremely tough and I think I may have missed a few things on them…. which kind of sucks, because normally I am really strong on sims and weaker on MCQ. We shall see!

    AUD - 92
    FAR - 73, 82
    REG - 72, 82
    BEC - 84 DONE!!!!!! 🙂


    I took REG end of February. I thought it was hard.

    I could only do 2 Sims out of 6. I finished all SIMS but I'm sure I got only 2 of them right.

    They did not test on the things I thought was important, rather I got MC questions on the topics I thought were not that important.

    The research question was too specific & I spent most of my SIM time searching but could not find a match.

    When I walked out of the exam center, I was sure to fail.

    But now I feel like I might pass.

    FAR 83

    AUD & REG waiting

    BEC May 2011


    I took reg in feb. and the sims on that thing were horrible, i got sims that i think would have appeared in my worst nightmare. here's hoping that 2 of them were just pre-test!! the MC were cake.


    suwalb, you got the exact same test I got. All the mjor topics weren't tested and if they were it was on VERY obscure information. The SIMS were so confusing.



    Confusing is an understatement.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    I took REG in February and felt fairly good walking out which probably means I failed. LOL. I thought the MC questions were fair as were the sims. I finished with about 15 minutes to spare which worried me. I think I nailed the research question…but who knows?

    I ran out of time on FAR but passed.

    BEC 83

    FAR 80

    REG 2/21/11

    AUD 5/27/11


    Any one think we have a chance at getting our scores this week, or is “the last week in March” still the answer?!


    On Friday the State of Illinois had posted scores would be released March 21-25. Now they have revised that announcement; I wonder why?


    Its going to clog and overwhelm the websites by releasing the scores all at once instead of on different days with different waves. Did the AICPA even consider that when they decided to release all the window scores at once?


    I took REG at the end of February. I think the mc were represenative of the review program I used (Becker). I never could gauge the level of difficulty of the multiple choices for any of the sections I took, so I am taking it as a good sign, but who knows right? I do not think the test was any different in difficulty for the test I took in November. I did not pass in November because I did not complete or do any of the SIMS. When I got to the SIMS, I had about 20 minutes left and started to panic and could not really think. The breakdown of weak areas confirmed my thoughts of time management for me when I got my hard copy score in the mail. I did well on mc and obviously horrible on the SIMS because they were pretty much blank…

    My fear is that if I do not pass this go around, I am not sure I will know what to focus on. I knew exactly the problem the first time I took it, but this time I don't know that I will be able to identify.

    I do not think the questions were far out in left field as some have said, but my opinion obviously would change if I failed..hahaha…I understood what the SIMS were asking….Whether or not I put the correct answer is a different story though…We shall see! Good Luck everyone!!

    FAR 84 07/29/10
    AUD 98 10/1/10
    BEC 76 10/29/10
    REG 71 11/30/10...02/28/11 88


    Ok I give… Rawrrr!


    What about FAR experiences?

    I believe my MC got harder after the 1st testlet. 2nd and 3rd testlets seemed very similar.

    As for the SIMS, I honestly believe I knew 3-4 well and the other I had some knowledge of.

    Anyone else feel this way?


    My FAR experience:

    MCQ: Med, Difficult, Difficult

    TBS: Nightmarish. Felt okay on 3 out of 7

    Sooooo hoping that I beat the beast.


    My FAR experience..

    I could not tell in the difference in difficulty in testlets 2 & 3. Mainly conceptual questions so I think that is a very bad sign… =( My sims were manageable except for one which I had no clue what they were asking me….

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