January/February 2011 Score Release Thread #1 [Closed] - Page 69

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  • #159512

    Has Any 446#### ‘s released yet? Im in PA waiting on FAR!!!!!!1 1 more to go baby……

    AUD – 80, BEC – 76, REG – 81, FAR – 2/28/2011

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  • #272076

    Well ducktales, Oregon played a good game. Im sure they will have more national title bids in the not too far future.

    BEC 69 (very little studying) 88 (lots of studying, becker)
    REG 90 (lots of studying, becker)
    AUD 96 (lots of studying, becker)
    FAR 52 (0 studying) 76 Im Done!!! (lots of studying, becker)


    Back to the CPA exam wait… I read earlier that there's a 6 week wait for re-take approval in Cali? Anyone have specifics on that? Is this a new thing? The last time I re-applied it only took 2 weeks. I'll be SOL if they changed their policy since I was going to wait to send in a new check until I get my grades.

    Any advice on whether I should bite the bullet and possibly be out $50 or just wait to get my grades and risk not getting my NTS in time to take both exams next window?


    @Duck Tales: Being a Bama fan, I was pulling for Oregon in the national championship game(no offense Nemnar). I think Newton in NFL is completely contingent on his brain. I do not think he is dumb, but the ability to read a defense is the key part to a QB's success in the NFL. He is a freak athlete and has a great arm. But I don't think Malzhan gets enough credit as an offensive coordinator.

    Also, for any college football fan on the board who has satelite radio, listen to paul finebaum's radio show. Great college football information with priceless callers.



    I'm so glad we are putting our energy elsewhere for the moment…well at least for a second! haha!! Newton….now he's an interesting individual….Can't really judge him though………then I would have to explain why I like Reggie Bush…and well..I'm just not up for it! haha!!

    @LSU….We have some Tiger bait on this thread…Geaux Tigers! 😉

    FAR 84 07/29/10
    AUD 98 10/1/10
    BEC 76 10/29/10
    REG 71 11/30/10...02/28/11 88


    @Nemnar I sure do hope so!


    @DuckTales – In Louisiana, that do not allow you to re-apply until 48 hours after score release….Not sure if that is the same everywhere though…

    FAR 84 07/29/10
    AUD 98 10/1/10
    BEC 76 10/29/10
    REG 71 11/30/10...02/28/11 88



    I've sent in 3 applications so far to CA. The first one took about a month to be approved, but the second one only took a couple of weeks. I just sent the third one in last week, so I'm still waiting for approval on it. I'm hoping the 6-week statement is an exaggeration.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    @james__w lol there was a lot of hype about the Oregon spirit shirts in Alabama that said “Because I hate Auburn that much”. I got a kick out of that. No offense to the Auburn fans, it was a good game and you guys definitely outplayed us.

    @jusey a 48 hour wait? I might as well just reapply and hedge against the possibility of another glitch between NASBA and the CA BOA. Ugh, I really don't want to have to spend $50 if I don't have to!


    you are only paying 50$ to apply for an exam? wow thats cheap. what about the cost of the exam itself? and as far as cams intellect, ill gladly trade a bit of my brains for a bit of that brawn. after of course i pass the cpa 🙂

    BEC 69 (very little studying) 88 (lots of studying, becker)
    REG 90 (lots of studying, becker)
    AUD 96 (lots of studying, becker)
    FAR 52 (0 studying) 76 Im Done!!! (lots of studying, becker)


    @Jusey: I have been “tiger baited” many a time in my day. I love Baton Rouge on game day. Second favorite stadium in the country.

    Also, with all these LSU fans on the board, the board is starting to smell like corndogs:




    @T-Rex Thanks and RAWRRRR!


    @Nemnar yeah it's $50 each time you apply in Cali. I'm not sure what the cost of the tests are, but I'm pretty sure they're standard across the US. Also, if you're trading in your brains, feel free to throw a few REG and BEC points my way :-).


    When I reapplied for the tests i failed, i had a 50$ application fee, and like 200$ for the exam again. it varies with the test. AUD is the most expensive, and BEC is the cheapest. @ducktales, im not sure how many BEC points i can spare, but i might could spot you few REG points. 😉

    BEC 69 (very little studying) 88 (lots of studying, becker)
    REG 90 (lots of studying, becker)
    AUD 96 (lots of studying, becker)
    FAR 52 (0 studying) 76 Im Done!!! (lots of studying, becker)


    while we are waiting on scores, about how many hours has everyone spent studying? im sure ive put in about 150 hours per section.

    BEC 69 (very little studying) 88 (lots of studying, becker)
    REG 90 (lots of studying, becker)
    AUD 96 (lots of studying, becker)
    FAR 52 (0 studying) 76 Im Done!!! (lots of studying, becker)


    I didn't track my hours, but I estimate that I spent approximately 200 per section. I'm slow. I've also been out of school for many years, and since I wasn't an accounting major, I didn't take some of the courses that are represented on the exam.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA

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