January/February 2011 Score Release Thread #1 [Closed] - Page 63

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  • #159512

    Has Any 446#### ‘s released yet? Im in PA waiting on FAR!!!!!!1 1 more to go baby……

    AUD – 80, BEC – 76, REG – 81, FAR – 2/28/2011

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  • #271986

    CA scores still not up.

    Any chance these scores could pop up over the weekend? Has that ever happened?

    T-rex is very sleepy now. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA

    wishful thinking

    anybody curious if the loophole will still work with the new score release format? my REG box is still grayed out (can't check), but since the scores haven't been released to NASBA I guess that doesn't mean anything

    these couple of months have been way too long 🙁

    AUD 74, 5/29/11
    BEC 84
    FAR 82
    REG 70, 80


    @T-Rex, that is so funny about the bird poop. I mean, what is the universe trying to tell us?

    @wishful thinking, I've tried the loophole, Oasis, NASBA and everything I could find to see what it says now and check daily for changes. The OH loophole worked for me last time and I am in SC, a “fast NASBA” state. After scores were released by the AICPA in the afternoon, I checked he loophole and I couldn't re-register. My score finally appeared on the NASBA site at 4:00 a.m. and I passed!

    The loophole has always held true for me but there's always the possibility they have fixed it.


    good morning AICPA and NASBA Lovers!!

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Csg – sc here too. I hope we get our scores soon!


    I just want to thank Jeff for all he has done with this very supportive site. Even after getting bashed by the AICPA and NASBA last week, he admitted his mistake and was a complete class act.

    Monday is his birthday. I'm going to buy him a beer. Here's the link below I copied from another post. Hope it still works.


    Happy Birthday, Jeff!


    Good morning, Sunshines!

    I wonder if we'll see any scores today. Time for some coffee! Nothing in CA yet.

    @Goddess, “,,,what is the universe trying to tell us?” That is exactly what went through my head at the time–that and some poop juice.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA

    Future NY CPA

    This wait is torturous

    BEC 75 (lost credit - need to retake!)
    AUD 69, 75 - done
    FAR 79 - done
    REG 69, 63


    It's Saturday! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Chelwb6Ja4

    We're one day closer to getting our scores, gang. Again, let's — again — be cognizant of the fact that — again — we will have our scores “soon.”

    (Bonus points to the people who can guess which instructor I'm channeling today.)

    Erica H

    Oh good grief, T-rex, that's just HILARIOUS!

    When stuff like that happens to me I always think, “PERFECT! Anything I can do to work off bad kharma in relatively harmless ways has to be a good thing!”

    So that little load of used worm juice is tipping the good kharma balance more in your favor. 🙂

    AUD - 92
    FAR - 73, 82
    REG - 72, 82
    BEC - 84 DONE!!!!!! 🙂


    @putainsdetoiles – I haven't studied with Becker lectures in soooo long but who can ever forget Tim Ghearty – UGH he made me crazy!!!!! BTW – great impersonation!!


    @putainsdetoiles, That song is awesome!

    @Spectrum, Excellent way to look at things! I'm going to adopt that thinking.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    Tim was my homeboy during REG, but he drove me borderline crazy during the AUD lectures… Speaking of coffee, I really hope I bump into Olinto someday so that he can make good on his offer to buy me a cup of coffee.


    Has the AICPA/NASBA ever released on a weekend? Seems like I've heard about that happening before?

    Erica H

    They haven't to the best of my knowledge, however things this window have been so bizarre I wouldn't be even remotely shocked. I think they're going to release when everyone least expects them to, because it's the only chance in he!! NASBA has to get the stuff on their site without it brutally crashing for hours, particularly with the number of scores being released.

    AUD - 92
    FAR - 73, 82
    REG - 72, 82
    BEC - 84 DONE!!!!!! 🙂

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