Wow, I'm never going home sick from work ever again, I missed all the chatroom action today! Let's just say I was hanging on by a thread before this release process turned into a cluster f*ck, but now I'm right there with you all, ready to rant and complain! Here's my situation:
I'm halfway done and I took my (potentially) final two tests this window. I need to know whether I should be sending a $50 check to the CA BOA for a new NTS and if I should start studying again. I watched the BEC 1 lecture the other night but I can't find the motivation to keep studying. Do I need to study? What if I passed BEC and it's REG I should be worried about? How discouraged am I going to be if I end up with a double failure? Will I have enough time to go through the retake sign-up process and still get a decent Prometrics date & time? How do I concentrate on work for the next few weeks when I'm in limbo over the CPA exam?
And seriously, if one more friend, co-worker or family member asks me if I've heard about my grades I'm going to have a mental breakdown!!!!
This is ridiculous! I knew there would be difficulty with the new exam structure but NASBA is doing a terrible job of keeping us informed about the release process. A specific date & time would be nice. Empty words and responses are not helpful and only breed animosity and anxiety from us candidates. Pick it up NASBA!
Oh and @Jeff I'm sorry that NASBA is throwing you under the bus. Talk about 12 year old behavior! That was highly unprofessional on their part. I love your site and I thank you for all your support, encouragement and accurate information.