I just want to say that it really bothers me to read/hear the phrases “accept and and let it go”, “come back tomorrow” and worst of all “there's nothing we can do about it, wait patiently”. I would accept and let it go if I had gotten a failing score at a reasonable date. I would come back tomorrow if the prometric center had a fire and needed to relocate its computers. And I would accept there's nothing we can do about it if something was my fault and I didn't deserve an accommodation or if a doctor told me so far there wasn't a cure for a disease I have. But this is different.
a) I accept and let go the fact that scores are not coming out. That I accept
b) I DON”T accept not getting a full explanation and an apology.
c) I won't just walk away and “come back tomorrow” because your bureaucratic system is inefficient and I wont take the answer “come back/call back tomorrow” tomorrow because that's what you said yesterday.
d) I will probably come back to this website tomorrow and check if anyone got a score or any updates. And keep hoping someone will want to join me in actually/formally doing something.
e) I don't understand when people in the US say there's nothing we can do about it. I come from a country where we don't have all the “rights and freedoms” that this free country offers. Yet when people are being treated unfairly they gather together they make themselves heard and they get what they want. Come on, this is the “country of freedom” that's what you are known as internationally. I am not suggesting we rise up, revolt, have a formal protest with posters or go write mean graffiti around the AICPA and behave crazily because that would be “unprofessional”. BUT WE CAN DO SOMETHING.
We can start a formal process of complaint and try to negotiate with the CPA. Because this incident does not make the exam standardized, equal or fair for anyone taking it in the first 3 quarters of the exam.
So yes, there is nothing we can do individually or alone, especially if we sit and complain here were no one but jeff and students hear us (cause I doubt they read this). But as a group we can do something, we can ask for an apology and a consideration of accommodations. If no one wants to join in I will still try on my own if anything, wish me luck
FAR - Passed
BEC - Passed
AUD - Passed