January/February 2011 Score Release Thread #1 [Closed] - Page 32

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  • #159512

    Has Any 446#### ‘s released yet? Im in PA waiting on FAR!!!!!!1 1 more to go baby……

    AUD – 80, BEC – 76, REG – 81, FAR – 2/28/2011

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  • #271520

    I'm going to cry!

    @canson16 I am waiting for 2 scores and trying to study for BEC for 4/8….it sucks! I've spent the entire day watching FB, Twitter, this forum, and the IL Board of Examiners.

    I can't concentrate at all. I feel bad for those waiting for their last score or at risk of losing a score because of the 18 months. I guess it could be worse for me, but still…I want my score!! Grrrrrr!


    @canson16 I'm waiting on AUD and REG and am studying for BEC right now, though I think I'm losing my mind. If I'm reading this last Becker chapter correctly, it's primarily about Frodo trying return a “present value of future cash flows” to Mordor… but that doesn't sound right.

    FAR - 86
    AUD - 78
    BEC - 84
    REG - 68, 67, 8/4


    See this is the kind of stuff that makes me want to go on a cursing rant! I am truly sick of this B.S.! There is no freaking reason to hold scores to the ABSOLUTELY last minute. Last week in March? For F-ing what?



    So we will never receive our scores from what I see? Oh man, this makes me feel worse about my exam. Everything is going against us and we have no power to fix the situation that they have created. That does it for me………now I am so mad, you can't even imagine…. Someone should prepare a formal letter where we could sign and send it to the AICPA, NASBA and all the boards of accountancy. We can't let this happen.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Not sure why the masses seem to be upset with NASBA. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but their only role in this process seems to be delivering scores. I know they've done a less than stellar job in the past, but at this point it seems our disgust should be with the AICPA. Calling NASBA and asking John/Jane Smith when the scores will be out is about as useful and reliable as asking the hot dog vendor out in front of the White House what Obama's next big strategic move will be. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; accept the idea that scores will be out no earlier than the 31st. Don't question it. Is the process awful; yes. Is the process made even worse (possible?) worrying about the actual process; absolutely yes. I took FAR on Jan 4, my last section, and I lose AUD if I failed — so I don't want to hear I don't understand.

    -- Formerly known as 'PeterOlinto' --

    AUD - 82 (Expires 1/31/11); REG - 79 (Expires 5/31/12)
    BEC - 85 (Expires 5/31/12); FAR - 85 (Sat 1/4/11) DONE!!!!


    @Words…I agree with you 100%….AICPA is the problem this time..

    AUD - 74, 82 | REG - 82 | FAR - 76 |Ethics -98
    BEC - 71, 68, 81 (FINALLY DONE!!!!)
    TN NTS 443####



    FAR 82
    AUD 81 (2007), 73, 80
    REG 68 (2010), 76
    BEC 58 (2007), 75 DONE!!!!


    Umm.. If anything we deserve a full and clear explanation as to why this is happening. In addition to the very much deserved extension of the next testing window and maybe the 18 month period.

    We should have someone right a very well written letter and collect signatures. Then we need to send it to “THOSE CHARGED WITH GOVERNANCE” (studying audit) and present a formal complain. Somehow we need to stop only complaining in this forum where we are protected by screen names and the fact that they probs don't visit the forum during this time and make ourselves be heard. I am seriously proposing this.

    FAR - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Erica H

    I posted this on the AICPA's FB wall but then I deleted it…. give me my score, and THEN I will complain.

    Dear AICPA, I would like to officially state my enormous displeasure at the delay in the CPA exam score release process. I have been waiting on a score since early January and like many other candidates I am unable to either re-register or even know if I still need to be studying or not, as I am waiting on my final two scores. Receiving scores the last week of March provides me with less than 8 weeks to re-register and take two exams in the next window. Most of the CPA candidates were grugdingly accepting of the single score release this window, however having not only one release but one very late release is hindering candidates' abilities to plan for upcoming exams. I sincerely hope that you will find some way to accommodate for the effect this loss of time is having on current CPA candidates.

    AUD - 92
    FAR - 73, 82
    REG - 72, 82
    BEC - 84 DONE!!!!!! 🙂


    smrichard–last week of the month. Sorry

    REG-1/25/11 82!
    BEC-2/22/11 93!


    ** Oops I meant WRITE..

    FAR - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    AUD - Passed


    @ Sprectrum Very good post. We all need to go to their FB page and post. They cannot fail all of us just because we complained.

    AUD 94
    BEC 83
    FAR 89
    REG 2/26/11 Texas #444...

    So Close Yet So FAR

    spectrum – good stuff.

    took far on jan 20, my last part…

    the wait is absolutely unacceptable for a test that enforces an 18 month window.

    I hope this doesn't impact me since i lose my first part dec 31, 2011,

    but for those of you being adversely impacted by losing valuable crunch time, i truly feel for you and i wish we could somehow voice that this test has truly become unfair (as if it was fair in the first place)

    best of luck


    I highly doubt any one with any power to some how accommodate our situations will be reading Facebook. I think we need to figure out a better way to get a hold of someone with some sort of influence on the decision making party.

    FAR - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    AUD - Passed


    Thanks passing score! I didn't realize there was a page 10 of this thread so I hadn't read that far yet.

    I'm frustrated too, but maybe we should just be thankful that we had two scoring waves in the past? But honestly, I can't seem to figure out how it could be so hard to grade multiple choice questions and simulations that should have an answer key. I guess I'll just have to put this out of my mind for another week or two and try to focus on REG some more.

    FAR 82
    AUD 81 (2007), 73, 80
    REG 68 (2010), 76
    BEC 58 (2007), 75 DONE!!!!

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