January/February 2011 Score Release Thread #1 [Closed] - Page 302

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  • #159512

    Has Any 446#### ‘s released yet? Im in PA waiting on FAR!!!!!!1 1 more to go baby……

    AUD – 80, BEC – 76, REG – 81, FAR – 2/28/2011

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  • #275572
    F5 to Refresh

    Oh yea that movie was “Meet the Parents.” Finishing up my New Castle and getting ready for bed by watching a movie. Personally Wedding Crashers is my favorite, but it is not on right now…

    AUD 79 Q4 2010 - NY
    BEC 84 Q4 2010
    REG 79 Q1 2011
    FAR 86 Q2 2011 - Done

    F5 to Refresh

    @ Island, you are killing me here…What did you tell your kid? How old is he, I have a 2-3/4 year old totally awesome….

    AUD 79 Q4 2010 - NY
    BEC 84 Q4 2010
    REG 79 Q1 2011
    FAR 86 Q2 2011 - Done


    I have 3 boys… 12, 8 and 5 and they were all sitting here. Here's the recap:

    12: she's such a camel toe

    me: Jake! don't use that word!

    12: why not? it's not a bad word.

    me: yes, it is! do you even know what it means??

    12: no

    me: then don't say it.

    12: tell me what it means; the kids at school say it all the time

    8: yeah mom, what does camel toe mean?

    me: errrrrr, ummmm… it's like a special wedgie that only girls get

    all 3 of them: *crazy stare like I am seriously losing it to think a girl gets a wedgie better than they could*

    me: *whispers* in their vagina


    A- 74, 80!
    B- 83
    F- 85
    R- 86!!

    F5 to Refresh


    AUD 79 Q4 2010 - NY
    BEC 84 Q4 2010
    REG 79 Q1 2011
    FAR 86 Q2 2011 - Done


    i used becker this is my result:

    BEC 76

    AUD 75

    FAR 83

    REG: JULY 73, NOV 73, FEB, 73 ??

    can any one give me advise what should i do, iam totally disturbed and dont know what to do


    Haha, why didn't u just tell them the literal meaning of a camel toe? The ACTUAL toe of a camel.

    F5 to Refresh

    Alright guys/gals…Hitting the sack for tonight. In my heart I wish everyone good luck, I know the struggle that we are all going through and wish the best for everyone. For those who didn't make it this window (including me since I failed FAR) stay proud and try again. We can do this.

    AUD 79 Q4 2010 - NY
    BEC 84 Q4 2010
    REG 79 Q1 2011
    FAR 86 Q2 2011 - Done


    It's been real, F5. Goodnight.


    Thanks F5, good luck to you, too. You'll be a CPA before you know it 🙂

    And Edmund… I don't know! It never occurred to me. When that song about being in love with a stripper came out they asked what a stripper was and why it was special and i told them a stripper was someone who took off paint and that it was a male dominated field, so that was why he was singing about her… she was special. haha

    A- 74, 80!
    B- 83
    F- 85
    R- 86!!


    @syed… man, 3 back to back 73's. Sorry 🙁 I only have used Becker, too, so I don't know. I would definitely try something else, though for REG. You are so close!

    A- 74, 80!
    B- 83
    F- 85
    R- 86!!


    Hahaha a girl who strips paint brings all the boys to the yard


    Passed. Florida Candidate here NTS # 443. I was 70% confident that I failed, yet I got a 90. I am truely not beleiving it. I can not beleive I passed this part in the first place for me to beleive that I got a 90. I am speechless people.

    BEC 91 08/22/2010
    AUD 96
    REG 90
    FAR 81 07/24/2011 Done! I can't believe it


    As long as my boys stay outta her yard, she can do whatever she wants with her milkshake. 🙂

    A- 74, 80!
    B- 83
    F- 85
    R- 86!!


    anyone from OK waiting for REG ??

    BEC- 83; AUD- 79; FAR- 76; REG- 82


    Ever hear of a moose knuckle? It's the male version of a camel toe.

    @Island, Might as well fill them in and keep things balanced.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA

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