January/February 2011 Score Release Thread #2 - Page 269

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  • #159931

    The other thread was freaking out from so many posts I guess…(4,799 is max?) let’s try a new one.

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  • #281197

    I am in Oklahoma. Other saw their BEC scores posted Tuesday… mine is still not posted. I have called the Oklahoma Board of Accountancy three times. The “person I need to talk to” has been out of the office each time, and will not answer my voicemails. This is AWESOME.


    @ MQcpasoon – I know how you feel….I thought I passed BEC. πŸ™

    I have already started my study plan to take BEC down! I want STRONGER in Corporate Governance! I'm out for blood! lol!


    Thanks guys for the quick replies.


    @Spectrum, it's about time! Congratulations! Are you still planning to bake those cookies? I kind of miss lurking around at Club 75. I'm waiting for the day that alumni could join for free πŸ™‚ I hope others have posted some good news too.

    Congrats to those who have passed and for those who didn't make it, read @Spectrum‘s second post above and keep pushing forward!

    REG 68,67,83(7/2010); FAR 43,71,80(8/2010); AUD 85(11/2010); BEC 74,79(2/2011)
    NYS CPA 5/2011
    EA 2/2011


    Hey everyone, I've been lurking on these message boards since I started the exams last August. I thought it was finally time to join after living the past two days on this thread waiting for my darn MN BEC to finally appear and it finally did with a passing score!!!

    For those that haven't passed, keep working hard because when you do pass it is a great feeling of accomplishment! Just think about how good that feeling will be. Don't give up! You guys helped me through this beast and I figured it was time to finally give back with my own encouragement. Thanks!

    AUD - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    REG - Passed
    BEC - PASSED!!!

    I Too Shall Pass


    Sorry this is so much later! I was starting to neglect work and school so had to focus.

    Well a future move to Illinois was the reason for me. It's not that much of a big deal to get your CPA in another state. The major thing is you just have to make sure you meet the educational requirements of the state you want to apply in. I'm not sure if that applies after you've passed the exam in IL though. It depends on the state requirements. I would just check on ilboa.org and see what the requirements are if you've already passed the exam.

    Not sure about the ethics portion. I've heard overall it's pretty easy everywhere. πŸ™‚

    Using Wiley and Becker.
    BEC - passed! 2/2012
    AUD - passed! 10/2012
    FAR - 1/2013
    REG - passed! 11/2012


    @bullandre you got ur score notice today? What was the post mark date? I want to frame mine πŸ™‚


    I Too Shall Pass

    So, for my first time on a CPA part I got a 72 on BEC. I am sad. I'm sorry to those of you who are in my same boat or worse lost a section because of this. Congrats to everyone who passed!

    I don't know whether to feel okay, because at least I was close or a total failure because I'll never be a brilliant perfect CPA candidate with no fails. Either way blowing another $200 bucks on a repeat really stinks. (and this is my first part, hopefully 3 months from now I'm not borderline suicidal πŸ˜› )

    I'm getting Becker this time, so maybe just studying with a different system will be enough to boost it up to a pass. 3 lousy points. Ugh.

    Anyway, anyone know about getting the score report? How long it takes, etc? I just got my score on Wednesday through IL, but don't see the score report info. I asked them to send me stuff by email, but I haven't gotten anything there either.

    Using Wiley and Becker.
    BEC - passed! 2/2012
    AUD - passed! 10/2012
    FAR - 1/2013
    REG - passed! 11/2012


    @hopefullycpa: You aren't the only Oklahoman that hasn't received your BEC score, my friend still hasn't received his yet either. He also called OAB also today and the exam cordinator was out each time. He says he's going up to OAB tomorrow if they haven't posted by noon. Sorry you haven't gotten your scores yet, I know the wait is horrendous and there is no excuse for them not to have the scores posted especially when it has been confirmed released by NASBA.

    BEC 7/20/10 88 (90 hours)
    AUD 8/27/10 73 (65 hours), retake 11/22/10 81 (75 hours)
    FAR 10/28/10 80 (157 hours)
    REG 1/7/10 extended to 1/17/10 78 (130 hours) I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Thanks Erin; I am already studying to tackle what has been for me, the beast better know as “BEC”



    After my initial shock, mad, sad, hyperventilating, etc., I'm feeling like I can do it again. I posted my embarrassing past scores in my signature hopefully as motivation for me or anyone else.

    BEC 52, 61, 74, 77
    AUD 80
    REG 75
    FAR 50, 60, 70, 74, 83...DONE!!
    ..Texas.. Baby #2 born 4/11/11


    megan…those are NOT embarassing scores…they show you tried….if you want to see embarassing look at my scores and the amount of times I've taken this exam…

    REG-80, 77, 77
    BEC-67, 68, 71, 67, 71, 74, 71, 74, 72, 77
    FAR- 72, 65,67, 53, 75 (truth be known the 53 was with 4 hours of studying)
    AUD-58, 62, 72, 74, 74, 75
    took 5 years but I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Megan…my first AUD score is very similar to your first BEC and FAR scores and it is very motivating for me to see your perserverance. My initial thought was wanting to give up..but I won't let myself give in that easily. =)

    AUD(2/16/11) 51,64, retake Oct.


    I also haven't received anything in OK! Good to know there are others!!!


    I except the forum to slow down just a little as most scores have been released. And…I can go back to not being too distracted from studying by taking another71.com breaks. I'm sure Jeff doesn't mind, ha! But, since I have received my scores, and am now on the back end of the AUD lecture book from Becker, I need to really focus. I guess I could always turn my wireless signal off on my laptop, which would stop the temptation to surf the web and catch up on the forum. But….it's is hard! Especially after how the past week of constant waiting has gone.

    I have already had my wife hide my Call of Duty PS3 game….is that weird?!?!

    Not TV, no games, just my Becker books, another71.com, and a soccer game on the weekend to keep myself somewhat fit throughout the process. GL to all!!!!

    BEC - 71, 74, 77 (Feb - 2011)
    FAR - 73, 78 (Feb - 2011)
    REG - 83 (Nov 2010)
    AUD - 71, 84 (May 2011) - Done!! CPA licensed in TX (July 2011)

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