January/February 2011 Score Release Thread #2 - Page 263

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  • #159931

    The other thread was freaking out from so many posts I guess…(4,799 is max?) let’s try a new one.

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  • #281107

    @ christian0919 – Have you passed FAR already? If so, then I'm almost sure you passed : D

    @Spectrum – I wish I could give you an award for your note to NASBA. It's a well written letter that summarizes NASBA's attitude towards this process and the candidates.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Charlie – I applied for my NTS yesterday morning – first thing. Wisconsin didn't actually send out scores until yesterday afternoon so no other WI candidates (unless they were aware of a loophole) would have known to pay in. My e-mail with my new NTS was stamped 3/31/11 at 4:40 am.

    I know better than that – they were still hugging their teddy bear at 4:40am…


    Allyson – do you have to do it via snail mail?

    WI re-registers through their website.


    I haven't even received my score yet but as soon as I saw I had the ability to reschedule yesterday morning I re-registered for BEC. Paid $285 and now waiting to get my new NTS. Usually it has only taken a few business days in the past, but knowing my luck there won't be any seats left at Prometrics near me for the next window.

    I agree dhuffman that I can't believe they say we need to plan better! What more could we have done if they won't let us re-apply for an NTS until after they score our exams!! SO FRUSTRATING!!!

    AUD 73,82
    REG 79
    BEC 72, 74 <---EVIL
    FAR 5/14/11


    I have to wait for TSBPA to tell NASBA I can sit…then wait until NASBA sends an email or i go check everyday on their website to see if I can shell out some more $$ to them…then I have to wait usually another day for NASBA to email me my NTS….about a week long process…and it's ANNOYING!!

    @Becks I seriously laughed out loud at the teddy bear comment!

    REG-80, 77, 77
    BEC-67, 68, 71, 67, 71, 74, 71, 74, 72, 77
    FAR- 72, 65,67, 53, 75 (truth be known the 53 was with 4 hours of studying)
    AUD-58, 62, 72, 74, 74, 75
    took 5 years but I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    That was my big fear – since scores got released so late I was afraid there wouldn't be anything left towards the end of May. The 26th was seriously the last available day. πŸ™ But, at least the paperwork is done – now it is all about that stupid book and me!


    Krisin are you in MA? Mine came to my email around 2am as well.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    @ Keeptrying – good! I'm glad I could make someone smile and feel a little bit better about this whole process. πŸ™‚


    So I know that most people on here are just getting their BEC scores, but I wanted to share my NASBA story anyway. First things first though – I PASSED AUD with an 84!!!! So I'm officially done. After months of sweating & praying about whether or not I was going to lose BEC and still have to take AUD – I am done. So to recap – I couldn't see my PA AUD score on the NASBA site and my information couldn't be verified when I went to re-register. After having enough of freaking out, I decided to call them. It turns out that NASBA had my date of birth wrong in their system!!!!!! Can you believe that? So when I put in my NTS# and DOB to check my score, nothing would come up. Somehow I aged 11.5 years in their system from '80 to '69. Haha. Regardless, I am so darn happy that I'm through with this monster. I can enjoy my wife and four month old daughter without having that CPA exam cloud hanging above my head.

    And to all of you still going at it – stick it out. The taste of victory is delicious!

    BEC 72, 75
    FAR 76
    REG 66, 78
    AUD 68, 72, 84


    @herbert7890 – I did passed FAR back in November… – SO I guess it all looks good… although Im still anxious to see the score..damn, NASBA for PR is taking way too long.

    Erica H

    It really seems like there needs to be some kind of candidates' advocacy group through this whole process. There is nobody to help advise candidates on how to deal with exam-taking strategy, nor is there any mediator between candidates and NASBA or AICAP when the sh*t hits the fan, so to speak.

    Once candidates plug their money into the system they have absolutely no ability to exact any kind of performance from any of the organizations involved. Whats worse is that candidates are in kind of a sensitive situation where they don't want to ruffle too many feather even if they feel justified in doing so, because there is a very real fear of retribution.

    This is what happens when organizations get too large and the goal becomes working for themselves rather than the people they are supposed to be helping.

    AUD - 92
    FAR - 73, 82
    REG - 72, 82
    BEC - 84 DONE!!!!!! πŸ™‚


    Took BEC in Illinois, score still not posted

    Others in Illinois saw their's two days ago

    What is going on


    @ Becks . . . are you taking your exam on the 26th in Madison?? If so, I'll see ya there! Scheduled AUD for that day . . . I really wanted that Friday so that I could just enjoy a long weekend, but the 26th was the only available as well. Guess I'll just have to take off Friday too πŸ™‚


    I registerd through NASBA and the SC link. They're awful!!! The fastest I ever got an NTS was 8 days.


    christian0919..hi Could you tell me your firt three NTS numbers, because my status day in the oasis is still march 27,2011 and when I tried the loophole to register for BEC !!it let me all the way through to the Payment Page!!!!

    REG 78 aug 2009

    FAR 75 apr 2010

    BEC 70 may 2010 (gleim) retake feb 1, 2011(gleim) waiting in PR

    AUD 66 nov 2010 (gleim) 95!!!! Feb 23, 2011 (becker)

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