January/February 2011 Score Release Thread #2 - Page 262

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  • #159931

    The other thread was freaking out from so many posts I guess…(4,799 is max?) let’s try a new one.

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  • #281092

    oh yeah i forget they did that….i went back and look at my FAR report. So I've decided to purchase the Yaeger Cram…has anyone else used this and felt they performed much better the next time?

    REG-80, 77, 77
    BEC-67, 68, 71, 67, 71, 74, 71, 74, 72, 77
    FAR- 72, 65,67, 53, 75 (truth be known the 53 was with 4 hours of studying)
    AUD-58, 62, 72, 74, 74, 75
    took 5 years but I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    @spectrum—I loved your letter to them!! have you considered a law degree? I hear the Bar is easier than the CPA exam…ha ha ha ha

    REG-80, 77, 77
    BEC-67, 68, 71, 67, 71, 74, 71, 74, 72, 77
    FAR- 72, 65,67, 53, 75 (truth be known the 53 was with 4 hours of studying)
    AUD-58, 62, 72, 74, 74, 75
    took 5 years but I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    OMG KEEP TRYIN! I LOVE your new picture!!!! LOL I like it so much I may want to steal it. 🙂

    Erica H

    @keeptrying – I think my comment that they were in breach of contract got their attention! Technically they are, as we pay them a fee based on a stated set of services to be provided, and they aren't following the agreed-upon terms if they release scores late.

    AUD - 92
    FAR - 73, 82
    REG - 72, 82
    BEC - 84 DONE!!!!!! 🙂


    If my status day in the OASIS is March 27, 2011, Should I use the loophole????

    REG 78 aug 2009

    FAR 75 apr 2010

    BEC 70 may 2010 (gleim) retake feb 1, 2011(gleim) waiting in PR

    AUD 66 nov 2010 (gleim) 95!!!! Feb 23, 2011 (becker)


    lol!! It's also my background on my computer screen…daily reminder that I can push my score above that…just have to keep my goal in mind!!

    REG-80, 77, 77
    BEC-67, 68, 71, 67, 71, 74, 71, 74, 72, 77
    FAR- 72, 65,67, 53, 75 (truth be known the 53 was with 4 hours of studying)
    AUD-58, 62, 72, 74, 74, 75
    took 5 years but I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Keep trying, you're pretty amazing!


    @ jbeans2009–amazing no….a glutton for punishment…absolutely!! I just don't give up very easily…..I'm a stubborn Taurus!

    REG-80, 77, 77
    BEC-67, 68, 71, 67, 71, 74, 71, 74, 72, 77
    FAR- 72, 65,67, 53, 75 (truth be known the 53 was with 4 hours of studying)
    AUD-58, 62, 72, 74, 74, 75
    took 5 years but I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Proud to announce that the final showdown has been scheduled for May 26th….

    Erica H

    Way to go, Becks! It's awesome that you are getting back on that horse. You're going to totally take that test down this time!

    AUD - 92
    FAR - 73, 82
    REG - 72, 82
    BEC - 84 DONE!!!!!! 🙂


    How'd you get an NTS to fast?

    It applied and paid yesterday for BEC and REG, but it usually takes weeks. They lose it most of the time.

    I'm going to try for May 28.


    Either way…. I am going to study as if my score was 54 and not a 74. Good Advice!


    I just scheduled by BEC exam too. I am studying ever spare second of my life until then. My poor children…..

    BEC- 73, 73, 80
    REG- 74, 83
    FAR- 50(didn't study), 76 (<--How the heck did that happen?)
    AUD- 71, 71, 79!!!!!


    I applied for my NTS yesterday morning, after receiving my score Tuesday afternoon. And it came to my email at 2am this morning. I was kinda shocked at how fast it came.

    BEC- 73, 73, 80
    REG- 74, 83
    FAR- 50(didn't study), 76 (<--How the heck did that happen?)
    AUD- 71, 71, 79!!!!!


    I got my failing FAR score on the 23rd, went to the OAB site and re-registered, paid their $50 fee, and have been waiting since in order to reschedule my test…and the AICPA and NASBA have the balls to say we can't “plan” better. Well if our state board would get on the ball I'd be register, could have a seat scheduled and fricking move on. On top of that I got my score report yesterday and am “comparable” in 4 out of 5 subjects yet overall that adds up to a “weaker” and a 66. What a racket. I'd love to see them audited.

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