Official Score Release Thread – June 2018 - Page 3

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    I am almost to the point where I can't take this anymore! Just want to see those passing scores.. I know it'll be here real soon but this last Sunday of waiting seems to just be dragging along.


    Hi all,

    Waiting on my FAR score. Passed the other three exams, just waiting on this one. Been studying for these exams for over 2 years now, i'm absolutely ready for it to be over. Took FAR last fall & failed in the 60s, but felt much better this time around. By much better I just mean last time I knew i failed, but this time I feel like there's a chance.

    The worst part about these exams is waiting for the scores. Anyone have any idea what day/time we're expecting them to be released? Haven't heard much.

    Good luck to everyone!


    I am so scared to look for my AUD score release. I passed the other three sections and this is the third time I took AUD and I feel like I have to take it again. I want it to be over but somehow I think it will keep haunting me. T_T

    If I have to retake it, I don't know how I can get the motivation to study for it again. 🙁


    @asianninja nah, IF you have to retake audit again you will find that motivation! It will sting and hurt for a few hours when you find out you didn't pass but you WILL find that motivation to start studying again. You're 3/4 of the way there!

    Don't feel defeated but use that failure/defeated feeling to motivate you to study better and pass it in the next test window!


    Waiting on REG and AUD. I've seen some places say the release date is the 27th and others say the 28th. Anybody know for sure? Its driving me crazy! Is it released right at midnight?


    They're still sticking to:

    AUD, FAR, REG on the 28th

    BEC on the 29th


    @ThePeople'sChamp – Quite honestly it was a lack of studying. First attempt was shortly after my wife had our first child. Second attempt was during busy season. REG is also where I'm the softest, since the work I do (SEC financial reporting) is concentrated around FAR, BEC, and to a certain extent AUD. (Full disclosure – AUD took me two attempts – first attempt was a 74).


    @john.vanbuiten gotcha. Just curious – I am also a nervous wreck about REG. I thought my exam was really tough, especially the MCQ. Just like you, I studied pretty hard so I have some confidence that it should translate to a pass (did Wiley course + 1200 Ninja MCQ's w/ trending 92, avg 76 going into exam). How did you feel your exam went?


    Got an email from NASBA 15 minutes ago, upon closer inspection, it says “Score release reminder” this is just mean at this point. Anybody who took the exam is very well aware of the supposed release dates. My heart may have skipped a beat when I saw the email pop up.


    @jsdaily I got the same effin email. hahahahahaha


    Do you think NASBA has our scores already? They are probably adjusting them.


    Haha I haven't gotten that email yet but I remember for previously releases, gets me every time. Like when Prometric calls me the day before your test “Just reminding you you're sitting for X part of the CPA exam tomorrow!” Oh right, thanks! I mean I appreciate it and it's nice and all and it's their job, just tickles me.

    @Turbo I assume NASBA has the final scores already, and these few days are administrative procedures etc. in reporting them but who knows.

    I've been doing decent waiting for the scores, but got caught up reading about people who did great on their first 3 and then inexplicably bombed out in the 50s on the last sections, has me paranoid so I started watching review videos again, and I gotta say, it's painful. Good luck everyone!


    Per NASBA Twitter response to someone it appears that they do not have scores yet: “We do not know the time yet. Once we receive the scores from the AICPA, we process the scores and send them out to the candidates ASAP. We will be updating everyone as soon as we know something.”


    @The People's Champ Thanks for the update, and awesome…. might be even later than expected? I assumed Thursday 12:00 am but who knows. I'll probably just have this forum on my phone reloading until I start seeing the score threads being updated. Although last time I tried that for a little while, my wife is trying to sleep and almost destroyed me, and now with the 2 month old in the crib next to us, I might just have to wait.


    If they were sitting on our scores without updating us I'd be ticked

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