Official Score Release Thread – September 2018 - Page 2

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  • #1956690

    Good luck all!


    Waiting on BEC and REG. Hopefully pass both and will be done 4/4.


    Waiting on REG. I definitely felt worse about it than FAR or AUD. I've started studying for BEC but I'm only about a week in to it, so I'm prepared to scrap it and re-take REG if needed before the end of the year. If I have to spend another holiday season studying I'm going to cry! Between my masters and the CPA exam I've been studying nonstop since 2015 and I am beyond ready to be done. It would be amazing if they release scores a day early like they did back in June!


    For those having issues logging in to NASBA, try clearing cookies since the dawn of time. That was the advice I got from their technical support.


    honestly it's been two months and I just need my score already!!!!! going crazyyy!


    “An unexpected error has occurred during your session. Please contact the system admin.” Still saying this shit and I cleared the cookies. GOD I'M ANNOYED. I tried calling and they won't even let me get through to a live representative!!!!!


    I called NASBA with the same login issue, they said to close all of your browsers and then to login in again. It worked for me.


    I have score view and appeal tab too?? Does everyone else??? I am freaking out a bit 🙁


    I've got the appeal tab too. Just a new tab. No biggie.

    BEC - 74,85 Expired (12/09/14)
    AUD - 75 Expired (04/23/11)
    FAR - 74, 78
    REG - TBD

    Rainbow Butterfly

    tee minus 6.5 days! argh… hate waiting…


    More like T minus 5 days.


    I walked out of my exam feeling like I did well MCQ testlets, aced the research question, and completely bombed the other sims. In addition, I made some silly mistakes regarding questions that I knew the answer to, but did quite a bit of overthinking, complicated it, then dorked it up by picking the wrong answer (even my mom knows that S-corps don't have preferred stock). Second testlet did not get harder. What I mean is that the second testlet did not have more calculations. To me, the calculations are harder and the theory questions are cake. But man, those theory questions were so tricky. If I were grading my exam, I would give myself a 74 and say, “you're almost there, but you should really work on liquidating corporate distributions.” I probably scored in the 73-78 range. I've felt the same way walking out of all of my exams. Passed AUD and FAR within the aforementioned range. But I wouldn't be surprised to see a 73 or 74.

    Good luck everyone!


    @rob I had the EXACT same experience taking REG on 8/30. I keep thinking about how easy I felt the MCQs were in comparison to the simulations. Best of luck.


    this is the longest i ever had to wait for a score. i really hope this is over with. i lose REG if i don't pass FAR! If I pass FAR, I am done and it is time to celebrate!!!!!

    Mona S.

    Waiting on BEC…Taking AUD in 5 days; hopefully it will be my last exam. Good luck all.

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