Next part – BEC or AUD?

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  • #1983284
    CPA by 2020

    Hi All,
    Reader of another71 for a few years but first time poster. I just found out I passed FAR with an 83 (using Ninja mostly). Now I’m trying to figure out which section to text next. I have BEC and AUD left and would like to be done by March 2019. I’m thinking of taking AUD for December 2018 and then BEC by March 2019. Does anyone know if big changes are coming for BEC in Q1 2019? Or AUD in Q4 2018?
    Just want to also throw a quick shout out for Jeff and the Ninja Team. Thanks so much for providing easy to use material that really works. I failed each section with a combination of Wiley/Becker. The beginning of this year I added Ninja for REG and came out with an 86 (failed in Dec2017 using only Wiley with a 56). Now today I found out I passed FAR with an 83 (previously failed with 59 in Feb 2016 only using Becker). Overall Ninja is a great resource and really helps candidates pass the exams. The two passes I have so far are mostly due to Ninja review. Thanks again team and don’t change a think your doing a GREAT Job!

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  • #1983323

    Congratulations on the passing scores. Figuring out a strategy that works for you is huge. I like your proposed order. AUD and FAR compliment each other some, so there is some benefit of doing AUD first IMO. BEC is kind of out there on it's own if you ask me, so doesn't hurt leaving it until last. You're halfway there (really over, FAR and REG are huge), keep up the good work.


    I would take AUD next because AUD and FAR compliment each other. After AUD I would take REG. You will be doing some book to tax accounting so having that fresh doesn’t hurt. I think BEC is different because its about economics and IT so you can leave it for last. Just my opinion.

    CPA by 2020

    Thanks both appreciate the feedback!

    Think I'm going to do AUD, slow time at work so might as well take advantage. Just happy to be half way done!

    CPA by 2020

    Does anyone think it is possible to take both BEC and AUD in Q4 this year? November is very slow for my job. The plan would be take AUD by Nov 15 or so and then BEC by Dec 10. Or the other way around but give about a month and half per section.

    My only concern is when the grades come out December 10th and 19th, I could potentially have two fails… Wish the grades were released closer to when you take the exam…


    Yes it's definitely possible to take both in Q4. There are roughly 11 weeks left in the testing window. This gives you just over 5 weeks to study for each. That is about how long I did on each one while working full-time during tax season. It will be busy, but you can for sure knock them both out if you are dedicated. I would anticipate studying at least 20 hours a week if this is your plan. Keep us updated on your progress. Good luck.


    You are done with the two hardest ones in my opinion-congrats! AUD would be a breeze after FAR, might even give your brain a bit of a break. BEC has a ton of info from various topics, so it might be a little more taxing…Good luck in whatever you decide!

    CPA by 2020

    Thanks all for the feedback and support.
    Does anyone know if the grade release will be changing for 2019? Frustrating to wait a few months for grades when trying to squeeze two into one Quarter.


    I was wondering about the release dates too and there is info on the aicpa that starting Q1 2019 they are going back to the regular rolling schedule of releasing scores
    I'm assuming thats the regular schedule.. Planning to take AUD on 1/19 so i dont have to wait for the score too long.


    @CPAby2020, they will not release official score dates until the first week of January in all likelihood. They are going back to the rolling schedule for Q1 2019, so I would expect the dates to be similar to the link @Painted_Jeans posted for Q1 2018.

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