Need some advice on what to do….AND NEVER GIVE UP!

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  • #1634261

    Hello all,

    First time poster here, however I been scrolling this forum for roughly two years now.

    So here is my current situation: After four attempts at FAR, I FINALLY PASSED WITH A 76!! Not the best score but a pass is a pass.

    And let me tell you all something: it took me over a year to pass FAR not to mention that I work in public accounting at the same time and the busy season cut out three months of studying. On many, many occasions I felt like giving up and was ready to throw in the towel. I went through several review courses and finally settled on Becker, then took a week off for vacation and used that time to do a last minute cram session. I finally passed today and couldn’t be more relieved. I would have regretted myself if I gave up.

    In addition to passing FAR, I also passed BEC in April of 2016. As a result, and as you would guess, my BEC credit expires on October 24, 2017.

    So here I am with one month to go and still have REG and AUD left. I should mention that I work in purely tax and have about a year and a half experience in it, and have prepared 1040s, 1065s, 1120, 1120S, and 1041s every now then. I also do a ton of fixed asset work and accrual to cash conversions from time to time.

    I know I can take two routes: either take both REG and AUD next month or let me BEC credit expire, and say take REG in November, and then AUD in early February right before the next busy season begins. As of right now, I have signed up for REG on October 3 and AUD on October 23 just for the hell of it since my firm paid for the exam fees for both sections.

    In short, while I am so glad to have FAR done, I just wanted some advice on how you all would approach these last two sections.

    Thank you so much.

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  • #1634266

    Hey bro, first of all, congrats on the FAR grade! Its a total beast! Personally, I would try and suck it up and get REG and AUD before BEC expires if possible. It's my stubborn side that is saying that because I would hate for my grade to expire and have to redo something I already passed. However, you also have to see if that is feasible, and you can literally dedicate all free time to studying. I used Becker too and found it helpful in my testing endeavors.


    Yeah I know that's an option but I thought you are supposed to spend like two months on both AUD and REG?

    Am I pretty much SOL in a lot of ways? LOL


    Just try to knock it out. Worst case you fail AUD. I'm also in tax so REG was wierdly easy for me. AUD will appear easy to study through after REG, fewer lecture and no math. I think you can do it. Think about the super chill holiday season you'll get to enjoy! Good luck


    Nah you're defiantly not in terrible shape at least in my opinion. You're probably going to kill REG, at least from my time on this forum, people who work in Audit or Tax tend to do better in those specific exams. I have seen people who have done condensed study sessions of AUD and REG. ALSO, I completely forgot, maybe call your state board and ask for an extension for the expiration of BEC, Ive seen some people who said they were able to get one. I may be wrong, however it is 100% worth a shot.


    I forgot to mention that the October 15 deadline isn't fun, but I don't have to work weekends, which is why I love working at a small firm so much. I am so glad I never went the Big Four route.

    On weekdays I usually get home around 530, so I could dedicate like 6 hours to studying per weeknight. Then I have all weekend. UGH won't be fun by any means…maybe it is doable…

    OH and I also have a year of audit experience from another firm. I did control testing and focused on cash, prepaid, and a little bit of debt here and there. I just don't remember much of GAAS and sampling, and so forth.


    Yeah it will no doubt suck, but the way I see it, your Holidays will be that much better! @Allsheneededwassome had it right, worst case you fail, but at least you try and you might get lucky and pass both. (Also through hard work not just luck) lol


    I work in tax too and it made my REG experience way easier, especially SIMS. I don't think you will need to spend a lot of time to prepare for it, so I would focus on AUD. Whatever you do: Good luck!


    UGH I just don't know if this is doable. I mean there's so much to REG and I hear AUD is really tricky. I feel like I am putting insane pressure on myself and I still have to somehow get through the October 15 deadline at work. Someone pray for me lol.

    Anyone else out there in the same boat as me? I'm considering just letting my BEC credit expire so I don't burnt out.


    First of all, congratulations on passing FAR & BEC. That's a huge accomplishment. Still working on my FAR/BEC/REG.

    If you are really crunched in time, is there anyway you can read your notes and textbooks, from first to last page? You can accomplish at least 50% of the exam by reading your notes/textbooks. Do you have at least newer primary review materials?

    MCQs/SIMs are the ones that will make you pass. By you passing FAR/BEC, I assume you're fast in calculations. That's my weakness. Still working on my speed.

    Can you dedicate time doing MCQs/SIMs even just a few and get comfortable with each topics?

    Ninja MCQs/SIMs have good reviews from former candidates, especially newer CPAs. It's a plus if you have a solid foundation with newer primary review materials.

    As to REG & AUG, I have a history of passing REG and AUD (twice) in the past. Recently wrote the last and new version: 2017 Q1/Q3. I didn't pass my recent attempts for FAR/REG/BEC. They were expected.

    Well, the 2 sets of 4-sections in 2017 Q1/Q3 are more like an experiment. Meaning, I didn't study much. All I did, was read my 2008 Edition Becker and my Ninja Notes briefly, with hardly MCQs/SIMs practice. Not recommended. You can't pass with 2-3 days studying for each section. BUT YOU HAVE A BETTER CHANCE WITH A MONTH w/MCQS/SIMS practice, and not just reading your notes/textbooks.

    Helpful links:
    – Though this is for FAR, but you'll be amazed what it can do:
    – Great for SIMs/MCQs topics:

    I hope the above info are helpful.

    I hope you'll able to keep your credits. I doesn't feel good losing them. I've been there.
    Good luck.

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