Need help from someone who passed all 4 parts of the CPA in NY please!

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  • #159549

    Ok, so I’ve passed all 4 parts and received a letter from NASBA in the mail stating that I have credit for all 4 sections. I know that I need 1 year of work experience prior to licensure but I was wondering if I have to do anything before then. I noticed on the NASBA letter that there are still expiration dates next to the exams and I don’t want them to expire prior to me obtaining my work experience. Should the state accountancy board be reaching out to me soon? In addition, how many hours qualifies as 1 year of experience? Thank you for your time and assistance.

    FAR - 8/4 - 93
    AUD - 8/26/10 - 97
    REG - 10/3/10 - 93
    BEC - 11/21/10 - 82

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  • #268609

    Congrats. The clock stops ticking when you pass all 4 parts; that dates are there as part of the 18-month clock for the oldest parts. In NY, you have something along the lines of 10 years to get your experience (I hear it's 3 in FL).

    Here is more information about hours that count as experience, instructions in Form 4b:

    If you work within NY, you're looking at about 1 year, approx 2,000 hours: Full-time employment is considered to be a 5-day, 35-40 hour week, excluding overtime. Acceptable part-time (no less than 20 hours per week) experience will be considered on the basis of one week of experience for every two weeks worked.

    And from what I've gone through, being an intern in an audit department also counts towards your hours experience; most of this is a matter of having another CPA sign all the paperwork.

    I really can't pass again!


    Thank you for your response. Are you just multiplying 40hrs by 52 weeks in order to arrive at approx 2000? The reason I ask is because I interned like you and began working for one of the big 4 firms back in September. I figured I should have the 2,000 hours by the end of busy season but I don't know if I should submit the documentation after that or if I should wait until I have an actual 12 months of employment. Thanks again!

    FAR - 8/4 - 93
    AUD - 8/26/10 - 97
    REG - 10/3/10 - 93
    BEC - 11/21/10 - 82


    Yes, I'm doing an approx 40 hrs/week x 50 weeks = 2,000 hrs/yr. I interned at a mid-tier. I worked 4 days a week, but my weekly submitted timesheets were usually b/n 35-40, and sometimes over, per week.

    I think you should wait and accumulate the 12 months before you submit. I suspect that the hours per week (as opposed to total accumulated hours) are a guideline to figure out how many days/weeks/months are needed (12m? 24m?). In 4b, one of the earlier questions is if the position is full-time or part-time (Q3), then asks for specific dates later (Q5).

    It's usually unclear if an intern is part or full-time, so the state accountancy board relies on the employer's judgment to determine full-time or part-time (who will likely look at timesheets). Also keep in mind that government is pretty backwards – no full-time person works more than 35-40 hours per week! 🙂

    When 4b's are filled out, the state compares your submitted copy with the employer's submitted copy. My mid-tier sent me their employer's copy. I actually had no idea that my time as an intern counted, b/c I had a Frankenstein of dates from different employers – I only figured it out when I got their copy!

    I really can't pass again!

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