Need advice while waiting for Q2 2018 Score Release

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  • #1764842
    Ai Hop

    Hi everyone, new member here. I just took BEC today 4/12/18, first exam ever, had a feeling I did really bad on it. Since I’m a first generation in my family going to college, I’m still very new to the CPA world. I did not know the score release date for Q2 is not until June 29! I just thought the score is usually release about 2 weeks after we take the test.

    Please give me some tips or advice on what I should do from now until my BEC score release comes out in 2.5 months, on June 29. I was thinking about these 2 options:
    1) Start studying for Audit now in April (since it has less materials than FAR and REG), have 1.5 months to study for it and take it on June 10th (last date of Q2), so I will know my score on June 27th
    2) Not take anymore exam in Q2. Start studying for FAR or REG (longer portions) and take it in July or August in Q3 (score release September 11)?

    Or any other alternative options?

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  • Author
  • #1764896

    I would definitely suggest taking audit. Might as well! Then you would find out about both in late June.


    Take AUD for sure if you can get an open seat before the Q2 testing window closes. My plan I'm using to combat the delayed testing scores for Q2 is to take FAR April 2 (already took it), AUD on May 8, and BEC on June 8. Pretty intense but it's the most efficient use of my time while waiting for scores at the end of June. Good Luck. No time like the present.


    study for and take audit. Don't waste your time waiting. Last year I took Audit on April 7th and didn't get my score until August. By then i already studied for and took REG.

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