NASBA’s Inexcusable Incompetence

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  • #1730826

    This is the conspiracy theorist in me, hear me out.

    I believe NASBA is delaying the scores to some of these states who don’t use CPA Central on purpose. It would be much easier for NASBA if they released everyon’s score on their portal instead of sending these files to several different states. They probably figured making an example out of us in IL, MA, KY and anyone else who’s stressfully waiting the last 24 hours. This way more states will join CPA Central in hope of never experiencing this nightmare.
    It doesn’t ma make sense to me bc NASBA is the one that modified its site, not these State Boards. Meaning the source and not the destination of these files changed. SO there should have been no issues, at least no unanticipated issues.

    P.S. #*%@ YOU NASBA (:

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  • Author
  • #1730832

    Not having my score, when most on this forum got it on Wednesday evening, is honestly infuriating.


    I wouldn't be surprised if your conspiracy is true tbh. Although I can get a bit conspiratorial myself.

    I'm pretty livid right now.


    It's funny they don't seem to have any issues accepting payments.


    I am in NV (not a CPA central state) and I got my score by 8:45 am when it normally comes in by 5 am. So, delayed, but only 3 hours.


    I wouldn't be surprised if your conspiracy is true tbh. Although I can get a bit conspiratorial myself.

    I'm pretty livid right now.


    The thing that I wonder is this: Why not try to get the scores to everyone one a day early? That way, if you say 3/8 and you find a massive problem on 3/7, you have an ENTIRE DAY to fix it without being late.


    @alloverit that would make too much sense.


    I have passed the 4 sections of the CPA exam. Audit section was suppose to expire on Feb. 28 if i didn't pass the last paper. I dont know what heppened during the transition period, they didn't hold the AUD credit and still shown as lost credit. I contacted them they siad don't worry you passed the CPA exam and its a matter of time. Anyone faced this issue


    Hell I'm convinced they're still tinkering with our scores


    According to IL, the issue is missing quotation marks. Which, if I weren't waiting on a score, I would find hilarious–it's exactly the kind of issue I deal with in Excel all the time, especially when getting data from someone else's database. But, seriously, people who work with data should know that formatting is important!


    The size of an organization certainly is no guarantee of competence. There was that fiasco a few years ago when the CA EDD completely fubar'd a payroll system upgrade, and ended up issuing unemployment checks by hand without a computer for about a year. Then started suing the recipients to get their money back lol.

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