NASBA Score Review for a 74 - Page 2

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  • #2608560

    Hello – Wondering if anyone has had any luck with the NASBSA Score Review?

    I recently received a 74 on REG.I paid the $240 for the Score Review even though it says there is a less than 1% chance of having the grade adjusted. I was wondering if anyone has been that 1% and got their grade changed?

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  • Author
  • #2629773

    The comments on this thread are hilarious. Unfortunately, they are all true. That's the bitter part. I hope it works out for you but honestly, it probably wouldn't giving history. I'd start preparing for a retake. You are already so close. It always hurts when you are so close to passing score. I know this because I have experienced it 3 good times with BEC. Anyways, I wish you luck!


    Don't listen to those trolls! This is better investment than stock market at the moment!

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    Back when I was in university, I would count how many Chinese take-out lunch specials I can score with x amount of money. My go-to was beef with broccoli which cost about $6.00. For $240, I could have had money to eat lunch for 40 days.
    Currently, take-out specials at my local spot now costs about $7.25 so I would be eating less beef with broccoli but a full belly for 33 days is definitely better than an empty pocket.
    I also hope it works out for you but it is my understanding it won't based on what is stated on NASBA. I'd start studying again soon if you have not already.
    “If you do not think your score is correct, you may file for a Score Review.
    The score review process involves making certain that the approved answer keys were used and applied correctly in determining a candidate’s score and is not an opportunity to have alternate responses considered. It is simply an additional independent verification of your Exam score. Please keep in mind that all scores undergo thorough quality control checks before they are released.
    Given all the quality control reviews already completed, it is highly unlikely that your score will change due to a score review.”

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    Checking back for any updates since this thread popped up on Facebook.


    Aha! My favorite thread is back!

    The only percent chance less than 1 is zero…$240 spent on a zero percent chance is freaking hilarious!


    The only chances this might work on is BEC being writing part grading is subjective.

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