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Waiting for BEC 534… Dont know when i ll get my score..
REG 78 BEC 75 AUD 84 FAR 82
FAR 533 VA – 78!!
AUD - 65, 89! REG - 70, 89! FAR - 78! BEC - 77!
Finally! Experience 06/30/15 Ethics-Done
VA Licensed 09/15/15
FAR 538 SC… finally worked up the nerve to check and the server's down. Yippee.
AUD - 84 - 5/31/12 (lost credit), re-take 5/28/14 REG - 83 - 12/7/12 BEC - 80 - 2/27/13 FAR - 69 - 11/30/13, 80 - 2/28/14
Same here, BEC 534 … still waiting
looks like site crashed too
BEC - ✔ REG - ✔ AUD - ✔ FAR - 11/29/14
CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee
vikavin – I was on the bubble 2 twice with my score coming out 2-3 days after my state released scores. Both came back with a 74.
CPA EXAM: DONE!!!! Ethics Course: Passed Application Mailed: 3/16/15 Professional Conduct Exam: 97 Certification Date: 4/2/15!!!
same here BEC534
AUD-75 YAY!!!! REG-81 FAR- 73; 76-Feb.2014( Praise God!!!!!!!) BEC- 73,65,78 and I am DONE!!!!!
We are just absolutely butchering the NASBA website.
REG- 84 - PASS! BEC- 65, 72, 78! PASS! AUD- 80 - PASS! FAR- 64- What??, 82 - PASS!
AND I'M DONE!! Just keep your eyes on the prize and remember that you can do it!
BEC 536 in VA still waiting!