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533 nj bec. 86!
I DID IT!!!!! Done!
@cpacpacpa thanks for the heads up… This could be my last exam…
AUD - 94 BEC - 87 FAR - 71, waiting REG - 76
Can someone help. I took my REG exam on the 27 in Abu Dhabi. Its my last part. But my score is not yet out.
Can someone tell me if he still didn't get his REG score.
Site is back up but still no FAR
Michigan CPA (2014) & Attorney (2012) LLM Taxation (2014)
Can anyone provide evidence of the “bubble”? I'm assuming you mean “if you were on the bubble to pass” your score will release later?
PA 533 – FAR 73..
BEC: 65 - 79* - 84 DONE AUD: 65 - 76 DONE REG: 63 - 77 DONE FAR: 65 - 63 - 67 - 69 - 73 - 71 - 83 DONE
Becker Notes & Flashcards, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja MCQ
I heard somewhere that sometimes BEC can take a week longer to get the score because of the writing part, did this happened to anyone before?
AUD-75 YAY!!!! REG-81 FAR- 73; 76-Feb.2014( Praise God!!!!!!!) BEC- 73,65,78 and I am DONE!!!!!
533 OHIO Audit – 75
I'm done!!