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well let me be specific is a 75 a pass for AUD
BEC - 69 (Feb)13 -7/20 85 AUD - Dec-13 ( Failed), Feb-14 FAR- TBD REG - TBD
First score! Passed 536 AUD NY with a 92, I'm new to this but the advisory score is my official score right??
Based on all the comments, FAR should be the last to be released
Audit 92 2013 Far 80 2014 Reg: May 2014
BEC 534, nothing yet
BEC - ✔ REG - ✔ AUD - ✔ FAR - 11/29/14
CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee
cpa786…WOW! That's some serious mental capacity. Congrats. I posted 50's studying for 2 days on an old section
AUD - 75*, 88 done 5/14! (*exp) BEC - 74 , 77 REG - 65 , 76 (10 point combooo!!) FAR - 69 , 75
Dr: perseverance Dr: intelligence Dr: luck . Cr: . advisory score
AUD 93. MN
BEC 91 (01/06/13) REG 91 (01/24/13) FAR 86 (02/10/13) AUD 93
Feel so close 😀
Yes, Mo, a 75 is a pass
534 AUD AR got 71!! I love this site but I really didn't want another71!!! :((
FAR - 81 (2/13), Expired. 🙁 Retake 79 (11/14) AUD - 63 (10/13), 71 (2/14), 69 (7/14), 81 (10/14) Finally!!! BEC - 77 (2/14) REG - 78 (5/14)
530 AUD AL – 90!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only Prayers could have made this one possible!