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Good Luck Cupcake!
CA Candidate. 05/27/2014 ~ 786/110 I am done!!
@Cupcake985 I believe another person got it before them. So they aren't the only one.
Do they start releasing the next section even if the last section isn't done? I am still waiting on BEC/533/TN
REG - 75 BEC - 76 AUD - 76 FAR - 84, DONE 11/9/14!
Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My AUD is 99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Can Do This!!!!!
BEC: 89 AUD: 99 REG: 93 FAR: 8/2/2014
My first score release and FAR is going to be last 🙁
FAR 2/22/14
537 BEC MI – PASS 82 I'm DONE!!!!! nasba wont load my score now though, its making me nervous!
84 aud!! I…AM…DONE!!!
BEC - 82 (01/13/14) AUD - 69,84 (06/22/13)(2/24/14) REG - 86 (11/07/13) FAR - 75 (04/18/13)
Love it Amay!