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@Warthog – It is called a Denial Of Service attack
NASBA site is down, again. AHHH! lol
REG - 75 BEC - 76 AUD - 76 FAR - 84, DONE 11/9/14!
do you think someone with shaky fingers inputs the scores right before final release to public?
AUD - 75*, 88 done 5/14! (*exp) BEC - 74 , 77 REG - 65 , 76 (10 point combooo!!) FAR - 69 , 75
Dr: perseverance Dr: intelligence Dr: luck . Cr: . advisory score
I got a 95 on REG!!!!! That's my last one. FREEEEEEEEDOM BABY, YEAH!!!!!!
AUD 5/31/13 - 91 BEC 8/15/13 - 85 (Wife had a baby girl 6 days later) FAR 12/05/13- 83 I can almost taste it! REG 02/21/14- 95 Holy $hit a 95!
And congratulations to all who've received their passing scores! 🙂
BEC: 69, 78 (10/03/2013) AUD: 62, 71, 84 (11/13/2013) REG: 68, 78 (11/14/2012) FAR: 77 (02/20/2014)
@ Ephrata
no AUD yet!
FAR - 81 (2/13), Expired. 🙁 Retake 79 (11/14) AUD - 63 (10/13), 71 (2/14), 69 (7/14), 81 (10/14) Finally!!! BEC - 77 (2/14) REG - 78 (5/14)
Yes, I'm still waiting for BEC 533
@Rogers what was your study routine?
FAR 2/22/14