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KRina i feel the same exact way. It is my last section and praying for God's miracle.
AUD-75 YAY!!!! REG-81 FAR- 73; 76-Feb.2014( Praise God!!!!!!!) BEC- 73,65,78 and I am DONE!!!!!
Well, I know everyone thinks hell will be fire and brimstone, but I'm pretty sure it will actually be waiting for an exam score that never comes out.
Just got my score, this was my first exam. 3 more to go! 🙂
REG FL 535 – 88
Used Becker, Wiley Test Bank, & Ninja Audio
REG - 88 - 8 Weeks (Becker, Ninja Audio/Flashcards, Wiley TB) FAR - 87 - 10 Weeks (Becker, Ninja Audio) AUD - 98 - 6 Weeks (Becker, Ninja Audio, Ninja MCQ) BEC - 87 - 2 Weeks (Becker & Ninja Audio)
REG 536 81!!!! im D-O-N-E!!!!!!!!!
Far- 78 (1/7/13) Aud- 79 (5/13/13) Bec- 80 (7/19/13) Reg- 61 (12/6/13) waiting (2/17/13)
looks like we are finally getting to the end of REG
REG - 88 (7/3/13) BEC - 89 (8/16/13) AUD - ? (2/27/14) FAR - scheduled for 5/30/14
Someone mentioned that you can see which section is being released on the site- where can I find that?
BEC 81 REG 81 FAR 76 AUD 76
Done Forever!!
thats the first 3 digits of your section code used for the CPA exam
FAR - 86 REG - 85 BEC - 90 AUD - 84