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For all those whom are paasing reg did u expet to pass or faill or u were in the 50/50 zone
Reg 74 83 AUD 67 65 92 FAR 79 BEC 83 CPA = Certified pain in the ass
Congrats joelseph!
BEC - 82 (01/13/14) AUD - 69,84 (06/22/13)(2/24/14) REG - 86 (11/07/13) FAR - 75 (04/18/13)
That's it! going into stage 2 of SCOREMANIA – continuous eating eating eating
@Steven 75 is a perfect score! 😉
REG- 84 - PASS! BEC- 65, 72, 78! PASS! AUD- 80 - PASS! FAR- 64- What??, 82 - PASS!
AND I'M DONE!! Just keep your eyes on the prize and remember that you can do it!
Steggy is right. According to the AICPA website and score reports, 99 is the highest you can score….
Anyone got their FAR score yet? 525 IN long long friday
Come on AUD!!! I need to eat lunch but can't eat til I know something!
Hey guys!!! Just registered! Good luck to everyone! Waiting on my FAR score!