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536 NY REG still no score 🙁
wheres my Reg? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Licensed CPA!
congrats abrahaugh!
BEC - Defeated me...with a score so horrid i care not to mention it. Retake 5/14 AUD - TBD REG - TBD FAR - TBD
REG 536 NY… come on……
Oh my gosh… I'm done. 88 on REG! 529 VA
AUD-88 5/24/13 BEC-86 12/2/13 FAR-77 1/31/14 REG-88 2/27/14 --> Done!!!
OMG reg first I'm scared to check! And I'm supposed to meet with boss as soon as he gets back! I may vomit!
A - 61, 91!! B - 78! F - 76!!! R - 71, 73, 74, 69, 77!!!!
Finally done!
This is my 2nd attempt at the exam, I had two parts passed (failed many) and I stupidly quit, big mistake. Now I'm back and with a vengeance!
@CMaxwell everytime I see your picture all I hear in my head is “I'm the one who knocks”
REG 532 – NY 80!!!!!!!