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AAAWWWWWW snapppppp,(super mario voice) “here we go”
BOOOM shakakalakakakalalalaka boomboom shaka laka shaka laka shaka laka BOOM!!
AUD 72, 78 BEC 71(10/13), 80(2/27/14) FAR 65(12/4/13),78 (1/2014) reg 89 (5/30/14)
open the book every day!
FAR - 02/24/14 - 86 AUD - 04/03/14 - 88 REG - 05/29/14 - 68 Retook 11/22/14 - 81 I PASSED!!!!!!!!! IM DONE! Thank You Jesus! BEC - 07/19/14 - 85
AUD 534 come onnn!!!!
Come on REG 535!!! Please! I need relief regardless!!!!!!
AUD - Passed!!! REG - 2/26/14 (Waiting!) BEC - 4/2/14 FAR - TBD
Mandy (((hugs))) dont give up. You will pass on the retest.
Sorry Mandy…I had the same thing happen over the summer. You are only 6 points away…So close. You will get it next time.
Aww – so sorry Mandy…
@mandy Don't worry you'll kill it next time!