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I'm getting nothing done at work…..keep flipping back and forth between tabs waiting to see if I'm done or not.
I've been at this for 2 years now, I've passed all sections of the exam just not in the 18 month window.
My 7yr old, thinks all I do is study. I just really need to be done!
Guys, it could be my browser / internet connection but I swear the NASBA site is slowing down on the refreshes…
Maybe I'm going crazy…
AUD- 97 1x REG- 81 1x BEC- 79 1x FAR- 88 1x
10/1/12 to 2/28/14
Lol I hope to be white girl wasted by this afternoon. I'm slammed at work too.
BEC - Defeated me...with a score so horrid i care not to mention it. Retake 5/14 AUD - TBD REG - TBD FAR - TBD
OK.. at this point i thinking maybe the scores wont be out today???
@Another_99 YES!
@jbiele22 – I would totally be white girl trashed with you!
REG - 75 BEC - 76 AUD - 76 FAR - 84, DONE 11/9/14!
Nope, ladybug.. I have received them at like 8 p.m. before. Don't lose hope.
@Ladybug – um really?!?! I won't believe that until 11:59:59 PM tonight – in every time zone.
FAR - 02/24/14 - 86 AUD - 04/03/14 - 88 REG - 05/29/14 - 68 Retook 11/22/14 - 81 I PASSED!!!!!!!!! IM DONE! Thank You Jesus! BEC - 07/19/14 - 85
Good luck to all. I will either be saying every expletive know to mankind upon getting it or saying thank God repetitively upon getting it.
This is more nerve wracking than the previous three.
FAR 82 BEC 82 AUD 93 REG 87