I'm waiting for what may be my final score and greatest achievement of my life, passing this insanely difficult test and having a LIFE once again. I don't know why i even bothered looking at this site to see when scores might be posted because i havent done anything at work for the past hour. I'm trying to review a tax return and i have 0 concentration right now, just trying to make it to lunch so i can get out of the office and breathe in the perfect 75 degree weather outside here in miami.
My scores in the order received – BEC – 72, 74, 78 REG – 59, 87 AUD – 72, 74, 80 FAR – 67, ???
I know a couple other people are waiting on their final score as well which happens to be FAR. good luck to you, i'm just praying for a miracle right now. those simulations were absolutely ridiculous and on top of that the air conditioner at prometric was broken so i had to take my test in a sauna after they made me wait over a half hour past my scheduled exam time. So if i pass it truly is a miracle.
it makes me feel better to know im not the only one suffering. good luck to all