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@RVCPA my sims were tougher than expected, and 3 of them were things i never seen on any becker
Did I say that right?
FAR - 79 (05/31/2013) REG - 81 (10/20/2013) AUD - 77 (02/28/2014) BEC - 80 (05/15/2014)
Good luck today everyone! Hoping scores are released so I can get mine tomorrow morning! OTHERWISE I WILL DIE
AUD: 84 REG: 84 BEC: 79 FAR: 83
I just had two flatizzas from subway- trying to stop thinking about my score.
AUD-75 YAY!!!! REG-81 FAR- 73; 76-Feb.2014( Praise God!!!!!!!) BEC- 73,65,78 and I am DONE!!!!!
AUD first would be nice. Then I could find out sooner if Im going to drink in celebration or in misery
BEC - 82 (01/13/14) AUD - 69,84 (06/22/13)(2/24/14) REG - 86 (11/07/13) FAR - 75 (04/18/13)
Has a score release ever been on a Monday >> NASBA on Friday? I feel like this can't be the first time.
Audit: 91 FAR: 87 REG: 87 BEC: 86
7 months, full-time employee, self-study with Becker (All), CPA excel (REG), Wiley textbook (FAR) and testbank (All)
FAR 530 MO here. I'm hoping for a 100% pass rate for whichever part you are waiting on.
@talisitider Um this is hilarious because I have mega symptoms currently as well… shit! (literally)