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527 BEC Ohio
Last one…..or at least hoping my last one….
REG SIM's were the worst for me too. 2 research questions, but the other ones were tough with no drop downs. I think I am probably borderline.
REG 534 NY
@3niqma We drink. A lot.
AUD - 65, 89! REG - 70, 89! FAR - 78! BEC - 77!
Finally! Experience 06/30/15 Ethics-Done
VA Licensed 09/15/15
@blaaron small town called Morrisville
BEC- 75 AUD - 83 REG - 76 (Expired 2/28/14) FAR - 53 66
Becker Self Study
Ok so are we all going to fail cuz the reg were so hard or iss there a curve
Reg 74 83 AUD 67 65 92 FAR 79 BEC 83 CPA = Certified pain in the ass
For all the reg takerss
I usually just kick back, take a nice, warm bubble bath with a glass of wine and think to myself….
“WHERE IS MY F****** SCORE!?!?!?!?!”
P.S. – That “F-word” stands for “FAR”. I know the number of letters don't quite match up, but I swear that is what it stands for.
Last exam. Good luck to everyone
FAR - 86 REG - 85 BEC - 90 AUD - 84