Score Release – January & February 2014 (NASBA) - Page 233

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  • #535478

    last score…. hopefully I can pass and be done with these nightmares!!!


    last score…. hopefully I can pass and be done with these nightmares!!!


    Frequent reader, but just decided to register.. I'm a score retrieval virgin awaiting FAR and I am a nervous wreck right now.

    Going to try to get a little sleep before the franticly refreshing non-stop party tomorrow.. Good luck to all!

    FAR 2/28/14 (78)
    AUD 4/08/14 (91)
    BEC 5/20/14 ??
    REG 7/06/14 ??


    Frequent reader, but just decided to register.. I'm a score retrieval virgin awaiting FAR and I am a nervous wreck right now.

    Going to try to get a little sleep before the franticly refreshing non-stop party tomorrow.. Good luck to all!

    FAR 2/28/14 (78)
    AUD 4/08/14 (91)
    BEC 5/20/14 ??
    REG 7/06/14 ??


    Couldn't help it. I tried to refresh the NASBA page and instead of getting “there are no scores to display” I'm getting “problem loading page” Scores are coming!!!!

    Nevermind.. after multiple problem loading page its back to no score to display. FML need sleep.


    Couldn't help it. I tried to refresh the NASBA page and instead of getting “there are no scores to display” I'm getting “problem loading page” Scores are coming!!!!

    Nevermind.. after multiple problem loading page its back to no score to display. FML need sleep.


    I see I'm not the only one who can't sleep.


    I see I'm not the only one who can't sleep.


    Of all nights for the smoke detector battery to die, it chose tonight. That horrible beeping noise woke me up 4am on score release. Definitely not falling back to sleep, and wouldn't you know “no scores to display,” still.

    Done: 5/22/14

    "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut."
    - Ernest Hemingway


    Of all nights for the smoke detector battery to die, it chose tonight. That horrible beeping noise woke me up 4am on score release. Definitely not falling back to sleep, and wouldn't you know “no scores to display,” still.

    Done: 5/22/14

    "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut."
    - Ernest Hemingway

    Jennifer Wade

    I've got a cold so I work up at 4am hacking up a lung… and couldn't get back to sleep. This is going to be one insanely long day.

    I know I won't be able to stop myself – but I'm not sure checking my score at work will be a good idea. If it's not good its going to be hard to get through the rest of the afternoon.

    FAR - 73, rematch in early April
    AUD - 5/14
    REG - 8/14
    BEC - 11/14

    Jennifer Wade

    I've got a cold so I work up at 4am hacking up a lung… and couldn't get back to sleep. This is going to be one insanely long day.

    I know I won't be able to stop myself – but I'm not sure checking my score at work will be a good idea. If it's not good its going to be hard to get through the rest of the afternoon.

    FAR - 73, rematch in early April
    AUD - 5/14
    REG - 8/14
    BEC - 11/14


    Still no scores to report.

    FAR 2/22/14


    Still no scores to report.

    FAR 2/22/14


    5:45 am EST. Still no scores to report. =[

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