Score Release – January & February 2014 (NASBA) - Page 213

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  • #535178

    This is my first post on here, although I read through the threads all the time! – one day away from getting my first score back! I took FAR on 2/27 and can't imagine how some of you have been waiting 3 weeks- one week and I'm losing it! I'm in the exact same boat as you Picaflora — I started studying for AUD last Saturday after I took FAR on Thurs, but am having such a tough time focusing & getting committed to it, knowing that if I failed FAR I need to go back to studying that beast.

    I feel like I have been thinking/talking about this exam for SO long, and now that I have finally taken my first one, and am waiting for this score, it just seems surreal. … ahhh is it Friday yet?!?

    Good luck to everyone!

    FAR - 2/27/14 : 95!!!
    AUD - 5/1/14 : 94!!!
    REG - 7/6/14 : 92!!!
    BEC - 8/31/14 : 90!!!



    This is my first post on here, although I read through the threads all the time! – one day away from getting my first score back! I took FAR on 2/27 and can't imagine how some of you have been waiting 3 weeks- one week and I'm losing it! I'm in the exact same boat as you Picaflora — I started studying for AUD last Saturday after I took FAR on Thurs, but am having such a tough time focusing & getting committed to it, knowing that if I failed FAR I need to go back to studying that beast.

    I feel like I have been thinking/talking about this exam for SO long, and now that I have finally taken my first one, and am waiting for this score, it just seems surreal. … ahhh is it Friday yet?!?

    Good luck to everyone!

    FAR - 2/27/14 : 95!!!
    AUD - 5/1/14 : 94!!!
    REG - 7/6/14 : 92!!!
    BEC - 8/31/14 : 90!!!



    @ ArdiCPA I felt like this exam went a bit better than the first time I took it. I took my time and read everything slower. I believe each testlet got harder so thats a good sign I think….. Those SIMS were ridiculous though, I know I got 2 or 3 of them correct and the others partially but one of the research questions was my best guess. If I failed it was definitely due to the SIMS. I just don't know how to prepare for them.

    AUD: (65)(66) 77
    REG: (66) (48) destroyed me mentally.....
    FAR: (68) (66)(69)(71)
    BEC: (63) 75

    "Greatness is not some precious thing, it is no more unique to us than breathing. We are ALL capable of it."


    @ ArdiCPA I felt like this exam went a bit better than the first time I took it. I took my time and read everything slower. I believe each testlet got harder so thats a good sign I think….. Those SIMS were ridiculous though, I know I got 2 or 3 of them correct and the others partially but one of the research questions was my best guess. If I failed it was definitely due to the SIMS. I just don't know how to prepare for them.

    AUD: (65)(66) 77
    REG: (66) (48) destroyed me mentally.....
    FAR: (68) (66)(69)(71)
    BEC: (63) 75

    "Greatness is not some precious thing, it is no more unique to us than breathing. We are ALL capable of it."


    ArdiCPA: I use Becker self-study only for my first attempt and my second attempt I supplemented with the Ninja 10 Point combo so let's hope I got those 10 Points!!!

    AUD: (65)(66) 77
    REG: (66) (48) destroyed me mentally.....
    FAR: (68) (66)(69)(71)
    BEC: (63) 75

    "Greatness is not some precious thing, it is no more unique to us than breathing. We are ALL capable of it."


    ArdiCPA: I use Becker self-study only for my first attempt and my second attempt I supplemented with the Ninja 10 Point combo so let's hope I got those 10 Points!!!

    AUD: (65)(66) 77
    REG: (66) (48) destroyed me mentally.....
    FAR: (68) (66)(69)(71)
    BEC: (63) 75

    "Greatness is not some precious thing, it is no more unique to us than breathing. We are ALL capable of it."


    @Mel_ny Your post could not be more identical to my current situation, except I'm studying for BEC now instead of audit. How do you think FAR went on 2/27, because I have no idea how I did!


    @Mel_ny Your post could not be more identical to my current situation, except I'm studying for BEC now instead of audit. How do you think FAR went on 2/27, because I have no idea how I did!


    @justanothercanidate… I do so well on MCQ but sims kill me. I score strong on MCQ and Weak on Sims.. I really want to know how others prepare for sims.. This time I took my time as well, spent 2 hours on sims so I hope my strategy paid off.. I can not get another 67 or 74..


    @justanothercanidate… I do so well on MCQ but sims kill me. I score strong on MCQ and Weak on Sims.. I really want to know how others prepare for sims.. This time I took my time as well, spent 2 hours on sims so I hope my strategy paid off.. I can not get another 67 or 74..

    Jennifer Wade

    I haven't started studying for AUD yet. I probably should have… but since I took FAR on the 25th I figured I'd wait to know what to do next. Use the week to take a break and catch up on other stuff like house cleaning, meal prep, and car maintenance. I have to say… I've been a little bored! I did start reading through the NINJA notes for AUD to fill in some free time. I think I've gone off the deep end…

    FAR - 73, rematch in early April
    AUD - 5/14
    REG - 8/14
    BEC - 11/14

    Jennifer Wade

    I haven't started studying for AUD yet. I probably should have… but since I took FAR on the 25th I figured I'd wait to know what to do next. Use the week to take a break and catch up on other stuff like house cleaning, meal prep, and car maintenance. I have to say… I've been a little bored! I did start reading through the NINJA notes for AUD to fill in some free time. I think I've gone off the deep end…

    FAR - 73, rematch in early April
    AUD - 5/14
    REG - 8/14
    BEC - 11/14


    I am jealous of NASBA states. Being in Texas, I will probably be waiting 116 hours from now. Score release on Friday means Texas release on Tuesday morning. 🙁

    CPA EXAM: DONE!!!!
    Ethics Course: Passed
    Application Mailed: 3/16/15
    Professional Conduct Exam: 97
    Certification Date: 4/2/15!!!


    I am jealous of NASBA states. Being in Texas, I will probably be waiting 116 hours from now. Score release on Friday means Texas release on Tuesday morning. 🙁

    CPA EXAM: DONE!!!!
    Ethics Course: Passed
    Application Mailed: 3/16/15
    Professional Conduct Exam: 97
    Certification Date: 4/2/15!!!


    reading these posts stresses me out

    panic in the sysco?

    AUD 72, 78
    BEC 71(10/13), 80(2/27/14)
    FAR 65(12/4/13),78 (1/2014)
    reg 89 (5/30/14)

    open the book every day!

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