Oops! My message was meant for NMCPA… or at last the portion about either being a CPA or back to half a CPA.
I used NINJA 10 point combo for this retake, I went bezerk on WTB doing in excess 2,500 MCQ problems. Other than some JE's, I really felt prepared. I think I failed – or more accurately, I have no idea how I did – but I really did feel prepared.
It's amazing how cathartic this whole experience is. You pour everything out on paper, feel the gamut of emotions, then go home and remember nothing of the whole experience. I remember the exam being tricky… and I remember picking up on those tricks. But I also remember punching numbers into the calc and then it not matching up tot any answers… then going back to the scrap paper redoing it…and getting no matching answers again… eventually making it fit… never a good sign IMO!
AUD - 75*, 88 done 5/14! (*exp)
BEC - 74 , 77
REG - 65 , 76 (10 point combooo!!)
FAR - 69 , 75
Dr: perseverance
Dr: intelligence
Dr: luck
. Cr: . advisory score